Can a person really hate truly hate somebody if they ruin there life?

Answer #1

Of course…the person ruins your life or you ruin theirs of course you or that person will hate because it just makes problems in the life and well your question didn’t make much sense to me but of course you could be hated or hate.

Answer #2

It depends on who it is. If its someone who is close to you, meaninh someone you love, the hate eventually fades away. But then again it depends on what they did to ruin your life. Also it matters wether this pearson is sorry, or did now knw what he/she was doing and stuff like that.

Answer #3

You can hate anyone under any circumstances, especially if they ruined your life. In most cases, however, hate is a strong word to use on anyone and it’s a waste of time to hate. The more you hate, the more time you waste feeling awful.

Answer #4

just a question. because hate is a really strong word to tell somebody you hate them.

Answer #5

First off, I’ve hated someone before for what I thought ruined my life…. and I don’t use hate lightly. It is easy to give into emotion…. especially if you think they ruined your life. However, you’ll only hate them if you give them the ability to ruin your life. Hatred doesn’t do anything but hurt you. It won’t hurt the person you hate. They won’t care any more or less if you hate them or love them…. the best emotion to have is apathy towards them. Feelings do fade and as long as you are alive then they haven’t ruined your life…. only a moment in time for you. No one can ruin your life as long as you got life to live.

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