life sucks...

do you hate your life???

Answer #1

Sometimes… Why do you ask?

Answer #2

Sometimes I get really stressed about my living arrangement, but no, I love having a life.

Answer #3

Sometimes (more then I’d like to admit) I hate my life -_-

Answer #4

Life has its ups and downs, but at the end of the day, it’s all we really have, lol. I don’t hate my life.

Answer #5

sometimes I do. but not always. why? Tina

Answer #6

I like being optomistic when it comes to the value of life

Answer #7

Nope - richly blessed !!

Answer #8

I guess I have found myself thinking a lot about it every time sh*t happens. Plus it’s not like I asked to be here. don’t mean to sound ungrateful but it’s true.

Answer #9

The majority of the time, no. But I’m the type of person who takes something negative and makes it seem 10910410 times worse than it actually is, so sometimes I THINK that I do. When really I’m just overreacting :)

Answer #10

Life has bad and good moments.. I think that everyone hates their life times to times … I do to. But not always … As people say.. After rain, theres son :) :)

Answer #11

Life has bad and good moments.. I think that everyone hates their life times to times … I do to. But not always … As people say.. After rain, theres sun :) :)

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