Why do people always get so mad at me for always being right?

I don’t get mad at them for always being wrong.

Answer #1

I have the same problem :-) not on here but people I deal with personally

Answer #2

That is what I am talking about, LOL.

Answer #3

i think it depends on the person and what u were talk to then about and weather there there wrong or not some people just get mad easily over things

Answer #4

Because they dont want to be wrong.

Answer #5

Well I am sure that I am not always right, but thanks for the encouragement.

Answer #6

Because you probably are a sanctimonious bi*ch about it? Think back to the last few times people got mad… I’ll wait.

Ok, you’re back. See what I mean now?

Answer #7

I’m sure you’re not either. No one is right all the time.

Answer #8

maybe cos your no actually rigth? maybe its all in your head O_O like an illusion O.o

Answer #9

I see, it is an illusion a superiority, well I think in actuality I am wrong most of the time, once you get married you will always be right, and he will be wrong.

Answer #10

Because they’re stubborn and hate admiting they’re wrong.

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