Can someone tell me why people hate church people??

Answer #1

Because they take everything so seriously and get offended so easily.

Answer #2

I dont think all “church people” are hated. Im not trying to be vain or anything, but Im a church-goer and people love me! I think that some religious people take it over the top and offend people. Judging others, being hypocritical, not practicing what they preach…Some people cant stand when people do that. But, gotta know, people are people, no matter what their religion. Cant be perfect….

Answer #3

Because the majority of church goers tend to feel as though they are better than the non-church goers. People don’t like feeling inadequate.

Answer #4

probly because all they do is worry about wat u do rite and tht u worship god even if u dont beleive in it and they can be annoying sumtimes i guess it juss depends on who it is but i agree with u i dont really like thm 2

Answer #5

I agree.

Answer #6

i wouldn’t really say that people ‘hate’ them, and some people that go to church a lot are okay… but there are some that just go all out and be jesus freaks…which there is nothing wrong with that, but the second they look at you like your going to hell, thats when i get pi-ssed.

Answer #7

I agree. I’m a “church-goer”. I have made a decision to follow and believe in Jesus and because of this I also believe that it isn’t my place to tell someone (or even imply) that there view of life is wrong. (: Just a personal opinion.

Answer #8

Well with that i think that is somewhat true. But like i am a christian of couse but like i try and let peopole be the way they want to be but i don’t try to preach at them when they do something i don’t think is right

Answer #9

See i agree. Like the people who know me think i am a blast. But you see the difference with me is that i wear skirts 24 seven and when people see me in a skirt they judge and think that i am no fun when really i find myself fun aot times.

Answer #10

I agree with that i see many peopole like that. I try my best NOT to do that

Answer #11

I see where that would make you mad. But sometimes new Christian have that mind set. I try not to do that with all cost

Answer #12

That is true

Answer #13

Its not we hate church , Its when people pressure you to keep coming to church constantly trust me prayer has brought me thru many things in life But its also transportation to you can’t find churches that offer any type of transportation for their people

Answer #14

Yes i see that is true too

Answer #15

In my experience people do not hate “church people” but they do not like people who act like their beliefs are better than everybody elses. and if you do not have the same beliefs you are going to hell. The only people I have ever met who do not like me because I go to church were actually other christians. They looked down on me for being catholic.

Answer #16

That is quit sad. You see i am apostailc pennocastal which means i am VERY different. But people judge by the way i look and others think that all church people judge but I don’t so i see it as Me getting the short end of the straw

Answer #17

I wear skirts and pants on a pretty balanced scale. I love to wear skirts and do so often, but I also wear a lot of jeans. What I wear doesnt affect the people who know me, or even the people who dont! It depends on perspective, I guess

Answer #18

Can someone tell me why church people think everyone hates them?

Answer #19

A lot of people hate the Catholic church because of it’s views on homosexuality, condoms and the like. I’m catholic and lots of people like me, even my best friend who’s homosexual.

Answer #20

I get frustrate with a lot of “church people” (or physco religious ones as I call them) who turn every conversion into a discussion about religion. In the last several years my dad went from being somewhat religious to physco religious and shoves it down everyone’s throat all the time. You can’t start any conversation with him without it being turn towards religion by the end of it.
I have no problem with your religion just STOP wearing it on your sleeve, and STOP shoving it down my throat!

On the other hand I work with 2 people who go to church regularly, and neither one has once tried to preach to me. So its not all church people, just the physco religious once I can’t stand.

Answer #21

I wonder the same thing

Answer #22

fully agree with you there Renne @ Volleyball_chick does anyone instantly judge you & tells you they hate you or disrespects you when you tell them you go to church? You asked a question the answer is going to be based on the generic or majority of the ppl.

Answer #23

I too wear skirts about 90 if not 95% of the time. People don’t judge me for being a bore just becuz I wear skirts, nor a “church goer”. Regardless though, ppl will judge no matter what, so what? You’re not living to please their standards(so I hope). just ignore it.

Answer #24

Not all but like I am in high school and all the girls, no affence who any one who dresses like this, with short where their butts hang out and tops where everything showes more people talk to them than the moddest dressing people. Do you not see this happen daily?

Answer #25

Yes i agree i hate when people from my church do that sometimes i have to tell them to calm down and just have a good time

Answer #26

Thast sounds like and easy thing but really for me it is hard because i like people to like me but when they judge me they don’t get a chance to see who i am so it disapoints me

Answer #27

cause its boring and stupid. my personal opinion is, is that no one should be teaching anyone about there religion or what they ‘’should’’ believe in. i think everyone should live by what they believe and not what someone feels they should believe in.

Answer #28

That happens all the time in school. It doesn’t always have to do with ‘church people’ or people who dress conservatively…most kids in school are immature, and will pick on you for just about anything. Just ignore it.

Answer #29

Angelee pretty much summed it up. And I’m going to continue to point out, as long as you continue to have this moral superiority, you’re going to have issues with ‘non-church’ people. You may say you’re not judging, but by pointing out people who wear short clothes and low-cut tops, you are judging. I have friends who are very religious. One whose father is a pastor. And yet none of them have this holier than thou attitude. I’m not saying you need to compromise your beliefs for anyone else. I wear and I do what I think is best, and that has never won me friends, but I dont particularly care. But you need to get over this. Your beliefs and your clothing don’t make your morally superior to anyone.

Answer #30

Because people are ignorant. I personally don’t go to church or even believe in a higher power, but my mom does, and I defiantly don’t hate her. I think people hate the church goers who puch their thoughts and beliefs upon them,

Answer #31

Easy: Church is full of hypocrites, a lot of people judge others when they do the exact same things. A lot of people do not want to be told what to do by a pastor, People get really ugly in church too

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