obama? Comunist? Why od people day this???

y do people think obama is a comunist???

Answer #1

‘Redistribution of Wealth’ is a border-line socialist concept, not free-market capitalism - taking from income earners and giving to those who pay no income tax - all determined by the Government - he has stated he will change American ‘ideals’ - here’s his chance for ‘Change’, we’ll see if it’s a positive or negative brand.

Answer #2

No…we’ll have one foot in Capitalism…and one in Socialism…

The Fairness Doctrine is one way to shut up Conserative Radio shows…I can’t think of anything more “fair” thanhaving Liberal’s with their own radio programs?? No sponsers? No audience? Are there any Liberal radio shows nationally?? Why not?


Answer #3

Um because his policy will do away with free enterprise creating a system where all businesses are owned solely by the government. Thats called fascism not communism. Also the re-distribution of wealth. Not to mention the fact he wants to change everything America stands for.

Answer #4

spreading wealth is not communist! It’s called socialism. I think he wont spread the wealth so to speak. dfjghdfgiud…shut the F$%! up about Obama. Take your crap and leave. He isn’t communist and he is not muslim, even though even if he was muslim, that shouldnt be a problem. People like to make him look bad when he is not.

Answer #5

Oh boy… I thought the morons would crawl back into their holes after Obama won, but more seem to coming out of the woodwork than before.

Only an idiot would think Obama is going to completely abandon capitalism and install a socialist system.

And the fairness doctrine was a good thing. It prevented large media corporations from becoming the mouthpiece for a political party, and an advocate for corporate interests over the interests of the people.

Answer #6

No Obama is a socialist where the buisness is owned by the people but ran by the government. For example he supports the Fairness Doctrine which will require that every time someone expresses a political view on the raidio, then the raidio must pay equal time to someone who opposes that political view point. It only applies to radio not television. That right there will silence conservative voice because it is primarly found on raidio. He also wants to tell people where and how they can run their busness which is socialism.

Answer #7

Because people will make up anything just to make him look like a bad person.

Answer #8

locked for review

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