Is it normal to feel like you're getting fatter while dieting?

Answer #1

Listen, dieting doesn’t work unless it’s like a diet of cut out sugary drinks or candy or something. Dieting will not help you lose weight fast. Exercise will. So go out and play a sport or sign up for martial arts. Dieting takes longer and the only way you’ll lose it fast is if you starve yourself and that is extremely unhealthy.

Answer #2

I am exercising, and I have stopped drinking soda and I don’t usually eat candy but I feel like I’m gaining weight.

Answer #3

Well that could just be a teenage anxiety thing. I’m sure your fine :) Maybe you are gaining weight but in muscle!

Answer #4

Yes, it means that you’re getting full quicker. That means your stomach is getting smaller, which means that you won’t be as hungry, which will result in weight loss. :)

Answer #5

You look just fine the way you are. :)

Answer #6

If you’re not eating anything at all and aren’t burning calories then your body will actually store the fat and have a result of you feeling like you’re not losing weight or are gaining.

Answer #7

I have been exercising, for a couple weeks now and I see a big difference in my body, the way I eat amd everything. Its probably just bloating making you feel that way.

Answer #8

This is probably your mindset. You’re trying to convince yourself to diet more and more until you decide to starve yourself, or eventually even start purging. neither of these are healthy, so the most important thing is just to remember that you aren’t getting fatter, and not to escalate your hunger any more than is healthy for you.

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