What do you think: does NATO's presence improve the lives of Afghan citizens?

Answer #1

Most Afghan citizens A) don’t know who NATO is or why they are there, and B) don’t necessarily think of themselves as Afghans. Clan and tribe loyalties are still very strong in the country, and the everyday lives of most Afghans are concerned with security and necessities of life, not the larger political agendas of NATO, the Kabul regime, the Taliban, or Pakistan. To be sure, NATO forces have improved quite a bit. Schools, roads, hospitals, orphanages, dams, feeder canals…all of these things have been built or repaired by NATO’s provincial reconstruction teams. Of course, NGO’s and charity organisations have also done some great work there.

The reality is, whatever good or bad NATO is doing in that country, it is not long-term. NATO will pull out, and it remains to be seen whether Afghanistan’s government, security forces, and police are capable of running and protecting the country. Ethnic divisions are so sharp there, and the country’s geography has never been conducive to having a unified central authority. I think NATO must accept that Afghanistan will remain divided; that needs to be the premise on which the alliance operates. But of course, it won’t…so it will continue to be a flashpoint even after NATO leaves.

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