My cat has a bad cough

My cat as lost weight all of a sudden and is coughting like an old man

Answer #1

I’m sooo very sorry. But that is the one true drawback of loving a pet…they don’t live as long as we do, and we come to the place where we have to say goodbye. You did the best thing…



Answer #2

thanking all for reply to coughting cat problem took him to vet he had to be put to sleep .he had fluid on the lungs and bad heart …iam sad ..

Answer #3

lol. old man-cat. if he/she is continuing to lose weigh and cough, take him/her to the vet. is he/she eating ?

Answer #4

if it sounds like your cat is coughing, it may be she has a furball. vets is the best option, respiratory problems in anumals us quite rare..

Answer #5

A 14 year old cat is getting right up there. Anytime a cat or a dog has a respitory infection, you MUST take them into the vet for an “old-cat check, and antibiotics)…

An OLD cat with a cough, and is losing weight could be caused from a lot of different, but potentially fatal problems…pnuemonia, feline leukimia, kidney failure are just a few…In an old cat, these symptoms DO NOT make me think “hairball”…

I’m afraid if you don’t take your cat to the vet, for some help, you’ll end up watching him waste away and die.


Answer #6

ye can is eating and drinking but want go out like he did before he is 14years old . thanks for your reply ps upss CAT

Answer #7

ye can is eating and drinking but want go out like he did before he is 14years old . thanks for your reply

Answer #8

my cat is coughing but nothing is comming out. he is having his furballs but what do I do, and what is it. he is eating and has normal poo and pee .

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