How much does it matter to you that someone lies?

Answer #1

It matters a lot. Depending on what they lied to me about, I could probably hate them forever. I’m really good at holding grundges, which is probably a bad thing, but oh, well. There’s this chick that i’ve had a grudge against going one three years now. Hahaha I may end it sometimes this summer if I see her around. XD

Answer #2

it depends about what they are lying about, if its something small like i bought white flip flops instead of black, then it wouldn’t matter, if it was sometihng like you killed my sister, but said you didn’t, then it would matter(;

Answer #3

Depends on the lie.If it’s a terrible lie and they lie right in front of my face, then I get pretty mad!!!!!!!! >=(

Answer #4

Haha, yes. If someone lied about mur.dering one of my family members, I could get a little upset about that too! C:

Answer #5

Not too much, but I cannot stand thievish liars and liars who deliberately distort situations against the victim and I am victim of this

Answer #6

haha, glad someone feel the same(;

Answer #7

As others have said, I think the same. It depends on how bad the lie was. White lies are silly, i’d rather people be upfront and honest. Liars always get found out, there’s no point at all in lying.

Answer #8

i dont like lie period. if you cant tell the truth then dont talk to me….. thats how i feel about the matter :)

Answer #9

Straightforward haha, I wish I could bring myself to care about lies though :S

Answer #10

At Raynay I wish I could take all of my lies back….big and small.Lucky you!=D

Answer #11

haha im a very straightforward person :p

Answer #12

Not at all. However, it will mean that I will not pay much attention to anything that person says. I do not form close relationship with anyone I cant trust, so if someone repeatedly lies to me, I am not very concerned by them, I will be polite to them but thats about it. I wont take them very seriously and I would never divulge any personal information to them.

Answer #13

it matters a lot to me. BEcause trust is so hard to earn that when you lie you lose it fast and getting trust back takes a long time and you may never get it back.

Answer #14

I hate liars so much. I cannot stand them. So, it matters a lot. it could make or break a relationship/friendship.

Answer #15

I hate liars so much. I cannot stand them. So, it matters a lot. it could make or break a relationship/friendship.

Answer #16

It matters a lot to me. I’m an honest person; I personally can’t function around someone who lies all the time. It would drive me crazy to constantly wonder whether or not they’re being serious. More then that, it would make me feel like a bad person for always doubting them.

It’s a huge “no” for me. Trust means too much.

Answer #17

Everyone lies. So it depends on what they were lying about or why and what sort of relationship I have with them. In counseling, pretty much every single person you talk to is going to lie. I mean for different reasons. But you have to accept that people will talk in their own time (part of the process). If, on the other hand, it was my significant other and they’re lying about cheating on me, well that’s not acceptable. I dont think there’s a general answer for this. It just depends I guess.

Answer #18

If I am close to the person, it matters a lot (as I guess it would with everybody). I could either work through it, ignore it, or be very very upset depending on what the lie was about and who it concerned etc. If it was somebody I don’t know too well, I guess I would be a bit peeved off but I’d get over it in a few days haha.

Answer #19

Alot ……..

Answer #20

it matters a lot to me, im almost always honest to other people, especially about important things so expect the same from them

Answer #21

It depends on who, and what they’re lying about. Usually it doesn’t bother me, unless the person is really close to me..

Answer #22

Liars outside my family, are tolerable…I just don’t give them much of my listening energy…If it was my husband, tho…I’d be hurt/pis.sed/sad that he’d choose dishonesty over the “whole” of our relationship…it would be hard to get over.

Answer #23

For me personally, trust is everything. If you can’t fully trust somebody, then how can you even be sure of who they really are? it’s hard to get to know somebody when their life is built on lies.

Answer #24

it matters a lot to me. it means i cant fully trust that person. but i feel like a hypocrite bcuz i lie all the time. not as much as i used to, im trying to be more honest, but i stil slip up sometimes and i feel like crap for saying this. but my attitude about when other people lie to me has changed how much i lie to other people and now i dont lie as much =) but whenever someone lies to me and i know it, i call them on it and make them tel me the truth and why they lied. i want to be trustworthy, so i try not to lie. i would really like the same from others.

Answer #25

Cool! Small smile but then fades quickly=/

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