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Do you take any medications on a regular basis, particularly antidepressants? As Mandyloo stated there is a wide abundance of reasons your libido is low/lower than before. you should speak with your Dr and let them know what is going on. They can run lab work and help you to figure out what the problem is. One other thing is age, how old are you? A woman that is perimenopausal may have either increased or decreased libido due to all of the changes in hormones preparing your body for menopause.
There’s a lot of things that could be the problem:
-Stress -Medications -Certain birth controls -Fear of getting pregnant -Relationship problems -Personal Problmes -Miscommunication in the bedroom
Have you always had a low libido or is this a new thing that is just happening? If you have a higher one before and were attracted to him before - I would think that a recent problem in the relationship, your life, or medications could be the problem.
There are many reasons for low libido in women. It may be physical or psychological. To improve your sex drive, you can take herbal female libido enhancers such as Fantasy Capsule which works amazingly well in restoring lost libido and desire.
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I heard low calorie, high fiber food are good for you. What types of foods are these?
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How do you do a low carb diet? - 1 Answers
Please,can someone explain to me low carb diets?
How much weight will I loose on the low carb diet in a month? - 2 Answers
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Mostly I am looking for something that will help me lose weight but keep my blood sugar levels normal. Any ideas?
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