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yeah do you have a problem with that when get angry I like tun to the HULk but not litheraly lige I get the adrenaline surging and I can lift 3 times my weight thats about 180pounds times 3 that’s about 570pounds
do I ever…lol… yes I have an anger problem sometimes I know how to control it but most of the time I just express it… I get soo mad that I start cussing breaking things up hitting… omg I really need to work on it!!!
lolx yhup I do…its more of a rage problem im just learnin 2 control it
yah I honestly do think I have serious anger issues -_-
nope, im a calm person. it takes a good reason for me to get worked up or anything.
Yeah majorly bad but I control it when I can
Yes,but I know how to control it.
yess but its all coool XD
Do you have a cussing problem?...lol - 8 Answers
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Anger problems - 6 Answers
Okay so im 13 and have really bad anger problems I will lash out at just about everything.its not my fault things just wind m...
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What will they say about anger? - 3 Answers
Okay, well, I have a debate at school tomorrow for psychology class, and I'm supporting that anger comes from genetics and th...
How to control anger - 1 Answers
I noticed that I get angry instead of taking the time to explain my situation, and then I say some stupid, irrational things....
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My electric thermometer got switched to celcius from fahrenheit how do I switch it back to fahrenheit
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