why can't we live in peace like they did in the 80's?

Answer #1

Lol. Why do people insist on idealizing the past? Cold war, Iran hostage crisis, assassination of John Lennon, Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, U.S. Embassy in Beirut Bombed, Indira Gandhi killed, U.S. Bombs Libya, Students Massacred in China’s Tiananmen Square, etc etc etc. THEY didnt live in peace. No one did. Reality check, there have always been wars and conflict, and there always will be.

Answer #2

The world wasn’t all at peace in the 80’s there were still fight’s, killings, assaults, arguing, ETC. It all stems from us as humans simply not being as evolved as we think. we are still animals. we try to act rationaly but in certain surcomstances it is either fight or run and a few idiots will fight and kill people for there own survival when all they had to do is walk away to survive. i agree there should be peace and no need for weapons but there will always be people who ar emore violent and stupid than others. i myself have been in many fights. im not proud of it but it happens and there is nothing more animal like than fighting a fellow man. some find a rush and pleasure from it.

Answer #3

because acid and having sex in the streets is no longer legal.

Answer #4

as sad as this is, and idk if this was sarcastic, it’s totally right. it’s not the only reason, but it’s part of it.

Answer #5

That wasn’t peace…that was pre-war. There has never been a true “peace time” in the history of the world.

Answer #6

because poeple are way to controling now an way to opionionaided now!!

Answer #7

YEA!!! Lets make acid and public sex legal!!!!! I mean whats the worst that could happen?

Higher STD rates including HIV? Higher unwanted pregnancy rates? Perhaps a higher incidence of r@pe? Higher incidence of psychotic episodes and accidental sui.cides from “bad trips”?

Not saying that our society will fall apart, but I’m willing to bet that these statistics will increase if those were made legal. Doesn’t sound like peace to me….I’ll pass, thanks!

Answer #8

maybe if it weren’t for up tight people like you who care too much about being perfect and being right then maybe we could actually live in peace!!

Answer #9

I was being sarcastic. Haha, but the chick above needs to relax, either way. I think my answer was amazing and true to an extent!

Answer #10

Peace? The 80’s? Lol. Surely you don’t think it was all peachy back then. Only a fool would think so.

Answer #11

Being one of the few people here who was actually alive and cognizant in the eighties… here is my take:

The eighties were a time of dissonance wrapped up in violent splendor. Kids were still raised rough and tumble… at least where I grew up. We were inundated with images of neon clad demigods eviscerating entire hordes of equally evocative evildoers. Things were good all over… in other words. Even the sappy cartoons were chock full of deranged lunacy. Gargamel hunted cerulean blue gnomes for game… he had an everready pot boiling in his hearth just for them… one can only imagine the fantastic trip he had conjured up in his mind that would ensue upon their consumption.

Punk rock took the label seriously. Songs delighted in debauchery. TSOL raconteured us with their necrophilia revelry. Suicidal Tendencies serenaded our little warped brains with songs describing the nest of rats living out of a neighborhood mom’s empty noggin cavity as she stunk up the sewer. We ate this sh!t up like manna from heaven. These were our favorites… we could all recite The Beastie Boy’s “Paul Revere” we all knew the wiffle ball bat was risque at best… but that was the part that intrigued us.

The eighties were atomic. Post-apocalyptic kids ter*rorizing the strip malls. Hellions like no other generation before or since. The kid in the Michael Jackson jacket didn’t parse words when he said he was gonna kick your ass after school. Parents gave a worse one if you didn’t account well enough for yourself. If it happened on school grounds… the principal supplied another… corporal punishment was a motherfu(ker.

Garbage Pail Kids were our alter-egos. The dissected kid on the barbecue spit held a look of horror that never failed to tickle us. We were immune to the negatives… this was our lives laid out before us… recognizable by the straight shooting we were used to. Magical because we somehow knew that these were the items in life not the stuff of life. Without the protection from all of the bad things… we accepted them as a part of our world. We could still sit and share a warm summer night… all together on someones tiny front porch… jockeying for a little more room.

The eighties weren’t peaceful in any regard other than our immersion into the inclement nature. They were more honest in the sense that pretensions were not given sanctuary. We were equal opportunity haters.

Answer #12

lol Gee, didn’t realize NOT wanting r@pes and std rates to increase were the things keeping everyone from living in peace. Okay……I can fix that. I’ll start a ruffie and dirty needle foundation! World peace here we come!!!

btw, it was just food for thought. I knew you were being sarcastic and I definitely appreciated the humor. I was just offering another point of view on bigdreams comment for OTHERS to read (I thought she was being sarcastic too).

Answer #13

One word can sum up the 80s for many urban environments. Crack. Definitely not peaceful. :(

Answer #14

lol…. is this a serious question?

Answer #15

I don’t think so….I hope not! XD

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