Answer #1

If it does not feel morally right than you should not do it, but no it is not going to send you to hell.

Answer #2

not at all.. music is music. harming another person is a sin

Answer #3

ok not send me to hell but its bad music

Answer #4

it all depends on what your religion and you believe is a sin. If you believe that cursing is a sin than explicit music is more than likely going to fall in that same category.

Answer #5

No I did not say it was bad music, I don’t even know what it is, you said its bad.

Answer #6

If you take it all literally or if it doesn’t resonant with your soul… than perhaps you should think about why you’re listening to it? Self reflection is good.

Answer #7

I’m pretty sure it is.

Answer #8

In my opinion, no it’s not.

However, it completely depends on your beliefs and YOUR opinion. If you feel it’s wrong, and feel you shouldn’t listen to such music… then don’t. However, if you enjoy listening to such music, and don’t see anything wrong with it… then listen to it.

Answer #9

It’s not what you take in that defiles you. It’s what goes that defiles you. This means if you’re a sinner, everything you say and do is a lie. If God chose you to be a sinless saint, then everything that comes out of you will be the truth.

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