Is Hawaiian Gold bud really legal?

is hawaiian gold bud realy legal?

Answer #1

Yes,it is legal. The high is not anywhere near what good weed gives. It is more like “late on” in a weed high, like several hours after you smoked. There is no rush when you first smoke it like with good weed. The effects last several hours and are pleasant. Takes one or two FAT joints to get the best effect. Very lung irritating way to get high compared to good “one toke” weed. The chemical composition is completely different from weed so it does not trigger drug tests, even if you smoke it and immediately take the test.

Answer #2

Hawaiian Gold is 1 of many hyped fake and utterly useless substitutes. If you want legal and exciting smokes I can recommend a few that I know for a FACT work.

I purchased from ““ and reviews there are genuine. If you want to smoke legal herbs, stick too:

Salvia X10-X20 Skunk (As sold on ““) Spice Diamond.

These are the only 3 smoking products, I know work.

Hawaiian Gold Dutch Green And many many more are just hoaxes that have no effect unless you kill yourself smoking that junk even then head rush from a cigarette is more exciting.

Answer #3

if its one of those fake weed, then yeah but it wont get you high.

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