what do you think of kid leashes?

Answer #1

I think they can be helpful, but at the same time embarrassing. I probably wouldn’t use one for my kids. Leashes are for animals, not humans. Seems a bit degrading. If you discipline your child correctly, then you won’t need a leash.

Answer #2

I would never put one of those on my son. Hes a child, not a dog. Its seriously one of the stupidest inventions and completely embaressing for the child. If your doing your job as a parent and paying attention to your child, and you have taught them right and wrong and discipline them there no need to have a leash attatched to them. My mother never used one but ill be damned if we left her side in a store because we knew better and knew the consequences.

Answer #3

They’re helpful. I would tie my kid to a chair while I shopped, jk lol. I love seeing a screaming kid run through the mall with the leash still attached to him and the kid’s parents chasing after him lol.

Answer #4

I’ve had a toddler, I understand how quick the little buggers can dart away, but they just don’t seem right to me. I never used one on my son and never would.

Answer #5

NO!!!!!!!!!!!! i was in church one day and this girl walked in with one on her son, and she was late. All anyone heard was a a loud BOOM! he slam the door opened. it was so funny and embarasing bc i was a visiting the church w/ her family. but HELL NO they are for people that can’t control their kids, that’s what u got 2 hands AND 2 feet for!

Answer #6

everytime i go to the zoo, the carnival, an amusement park.. i always see mothers have leashes on there kids and they can keep track.. its probably really helpful for a mother to keep a leash on her child so they wont get lost

Answer #7

When I was a youngun if i ran from my mom i got my ass beat. I didn’t run away to much.

Answer #8


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