Did Jesus spend more time preaching or more time doing miracles and spending time with sinners etc.?

Answer #1

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe, according to what I know of the Bible, that Jesus would have spent more time preaching. Even when he was performing miracles he would begin it by preaching and then continuing preaching after he had performed it.

I don’t personally believe in it but I would assume he would have spent more time preaching.

Answer #2

He Actually did both… And don’t forget He did us a favor… :)

Answer #3

Whether you’re talking about Jesus or anyone else, preaching is spending time with sinners.

Answer #4

He didnt really every stop teaching, he told parable after parable.

Answer #5

while he was doing miracles and helping sinners that time is considered preaching time. he was practicing what he preached, love and compassion. and it is not like he stayed quiet while with those people, he was talking so he kept preaching the good word.

Answer #6

His entire time on earth he was spending it with sinners - all of mankind are born sinners..Thus the need for a Savior - Preaching/teaching probably occupied most of His time here.

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