is my apartment haunted?

is there a way to tell?

Answer #1

Could be, do some investigating to find out

Answer #2

There are teams of experts with equipment that can investigate to see wether or not there are ghosts in there. They do not charge because they cannot charge; they are absolutely free. They do want a little donation though… But at least you know. Another way to find out is go to your town/city hall, and see if they have on record wether or not someone died in the apartment while it was either being built or a previous tennant resided there.

Answer #3

No your apartment is not haunted. There are no such things as ghosts.

Answer #4

hey if you want to know if your aparment is haunted, go and watch “Haunted There After” on youtube…be warn its scarey as :)

Answer #5

Are there ghosts floating around screaming and whispering your name?? haha

Answer #6

How long have you lived there?

Answer #7

Yes! By YOU!

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