Capital Punishment

Do you think it’s right to kill someone FOR killing someone? Or do you think that would be just a contradiction?

I don’t agree with capital punishment.

Answer #1

capital punishment is wrong as many progressive countries have realized.

Answer #2

capital punishment should be abolished. as carlitosway said, who ARE we to judge others? have we, ourselves not sinned? and what if that person was innocent? how will you repay their lives? because we cant…

Answer #3

I agree with them also, if you kill someone for killing someone else you have double the lifes effected by the killings…so two families would be grieving instead of one

Answer #4

I don’t agree with capital punishment either. I think life in prison is worse than death. Most likely their victims didn’t die peacefully, so I don’t think the killer should be able to take the “easy” way out. Another reason is, what if the person is innocent?

Answer #5

I think they should make the murders stay in jail till they die, thats more of a punishment anyway than givin them the easy way out

Answer #6

I don’t have an ethical problem with capital punishment, but I have a trust problem with it. I simply don’t trust the justice system. Juries are composed of mostly stupid people easily swayed, and a lot of DA’s are horribly unethical.

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