Answer #1

Yes I am 100 percent Irish. My parents were born here, my grandparents were born here, my great-grandparents were born here, I was born here and I live here.

Answer #2

I hate it when people ask/ answer/ take pride in these things.

… we’re you born in America? THEN YOUR AN AMERICAN!

…we’re you born in Ireland? WELL CONGRADULATIONS, YOUR IRISH!

do you have any idea how much other people from other countries look down on us Americans because we take pride in being a part of THEIR nationality when in reality WE’RE NOT!?!?! a majority of them do.

to put it into perspective… itd be like a 3rd generation Hungarian man, who had an American grandfather somewhere along the line. IT DOESNT MAKE HIM AMERICAN. He doesnt run around celebrating the 4th of July.

so stop. if your American, be happy with being American… you dont need to be One Quarter Irish, One Twenty-Fifty Italian, with a pinch of Slovak to stand out!!!

does it really even matter? with all the border changes that happened in Europe over the centuries… its IMPOSSIBLE to ACCURATELY trace blood-lines to nationalities… austria becomes germany which tries to take over poland, which takes some land from russia.

YOU’RE A PERSON. IM A PERSON. BE A DAMN PERSON. who gives a damn if your irish or not.

Answer #3

geez iqzp… I was joking around take a bloody chill pill !! omg … A QUESTION !! im not bein racist for gods sake get over it !

Answer #4


Answer #5

im not irish, never been to ireland. but I wanna go theree. x

Answer #6

a little bit my grandad was Irish xoxo

Answer #7

im russian, dutch, itallian, irish, and french

       And ofcourse american. I was born and raised in america
Answer #8

I’m half Irish! And proud of it! :) yummmy Irish potato pancakes!!

Answer #9

hey dick head real americans were native americans not us learn your history im part irish

Answer #10

I have a little irish in me

Answer #11

yea im Irish my mom and dad were both born there I also lived there for a little

Answer #12

I am Irish Swedish german and polish

Answer #13

A little bit.

Answer #14

yes im half irish I lived there for 8years and my dads fully irish but my mums no irish at all..and fo everyone out dere who wants to go to ireland I hope yall do cusz ihts a gergeous small country with a lot of green l0l(;

Answer #15

No? Yes? Mayby?

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