who would you say has had the most invluence on your life?

Answer #1

I’d say my parents, close family and friends. The media also influnces everyon’s lives alot, and the goverment. And obsl, you influnce your own life alot xD My heros also influnce my life, esp Nick Vujicic, and Rick and Di.ck (I love how I can’t even post his name here -.-) Hoyte (Look them up on youtube!)

Hope this is what your looking for xD.

Answer #2

(a) Musically: Johann Sebastian Bach & Bob Dylan; (b) Artistically: Pablo Picasso & Salvador Dali; (c) Mathematically: George Boole & William R. Hamilton; (d) Scientifically: Michael Faraday & Isaac Newton; (e) Philosophically: Rene Descartes & Bertrand Russell; (f) Literary Field: John Milton & Adrian Henri; (g) Chess: Garry Kasparov & Bobby Fischer; (h) Human Rights:William Wilberforce & Martin Luther King; (i) Technology: Isambard Kingdom Brunel & Tim Berners-Lee; (j) Computing: Alan Turing & Bill Gates; (k) Humour: John Cleese & Douglas Adams; (l) Most Influential Woman: My Mother; (m) Most Influential People: My Family & Friends (all of them - even the little kids who live down our road and pester me too much);

I guess that covers quite a few of them !

– Best wishes - Majikthise. Oh I nearly forgot - me as well !

Answer #3

parents, Jesus Christ, close friends.

Answer #4

lol ill look em up on utube =P

Answer #5

hahaha not many then =P wow one gr8 big lis of names i have and haveno heard of

Answer #6

yep indeedy =P

Answer #7

I think that my perents have had the biggest influence in my life. They made me who I am today, or at least had a little bit of impact on the choices that I made and stuff like that. They are basically everything no matter what.

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