if someone says

God exist, is he considered wrong or faithful?

Answer #1

I think it depends from which perspective you are looking at it. If you are looking at it from a Christian’s perspective it will be faithfull, but maybe from someone with a different religion’s perspective it will be wrong, but otherwise you can be both.

Answer #2

-_- Yes I know but also the person who says the person who says god is real be wrong for saying they’re wrong since it would be technicly saying that God doesn’t exsiest?

Answer #3


That’s not every good reasoning though - that is why I dont thinkn religion should be called right or wrong. You are saying if you believe something in your heart - that makes it right.

Well rapist believe in their heart that what they are doing is allright - that doesn’t make it right though.

Also, I dont see how having religion makes life “easier”

Answer #4

He is foolish.

Answer #5

It is possible to be both faithful and also wrong.

Answer #6

…that statement in itself is a paradox.

Answer #7

It would depend on who was being told…”God exists”…the beliefs of the “hearer” is the determiner of “faithful” or “wrong”.


Answer #8

FAITHFUL. Becos if you say that GOD exist and you say it out your mouth your not wrong… How could you b wrong for sayin smthn you believe in your heart.? I say its FAITH and whatever you believe in you shuldn worry about what people say, becos if you believe it and have faith in what you believe you will live LIFE a whole lot easier. -MeMe-

Answer #9

If someone says God exist, is he considered wrong or faithful?


Because it cannot be proven or disproven. And to have FAITH that God exists, is to believe WITHOUT knowing. The correct statement would be, “I BELIEVE God exists.’’

…or a derivative of such.

Answer #10


I said it depends on which perspective you are looking at…so those are two maybe’s I can think of. I know it isn’t necessarily that that will be how a person thinks and could you maybe explain yourself again, I am really struggling to follow you…

Answer #11

then wouldn’t a person who says God doesn’t exiest be wrong as well??


Answer #12

but also the person who says the person who says god is real be wrong for saying they’re wrong since it would be technicly saying that God doesn’t exsiest?

…technically how?

Answer #13

You can’t call someone’s religion wrong in my opinion - no matter WHAT their religion may be there is no proof that is exist and no one knows what’s true or not - it all based on faith.

I’m an atheist - but I still respect other’s religion - I will not say they are wrong in believing in God, I will however argue with them over the bible which there is plenty of evidence against that particular book.

Answer #14

Having a religion makes life easier cause they have something to believe in to and for example christian people feel good in believing in God and when they are having a hard time they pray to God and so that makes them feel better and feel that god is listening to them and helping them :)

But yeah it’s Faith cause there’s no proof that God really exists so they just have Faith that he does exist.

Answer #15

Not necessarily Ifeelcrazy123, Anyone could claim that person as being faithful, even atheist. It doesn’t depend on the religion, it depends on the person in general. There are people who don’t believe in faith so they would fancy that person both faithful & wrong. Some believe that faith is right, so that person would be fancied faithful & right. Or for some he could be fancied faithful but in the wrong religion or beliefs. So it’s really not that easy to just say wrong or faithful. However, to me, faith, as in religion, as Friedrich Nietzsche stated “Faith means not wanting to know what is true.”, but, & I will admit this, that is MY choice to agree with him & in MY opinion I fancy that as true. To me, that can be proven.

Answer #16

then wouldn’t a person who says God doesn’t exiest be wrong as well?? So if a person who says God exiest, wouldn’t it be wrong to say that they’re wrong? It really can’t be proved whether is is or is not real, so one cannot say whether they are wrong or right. Thogh honestly I doubt there is one. The idea of a God was brought about from the hunt, also when one’s father would die they’ld pray to them, then the grandson, etc till it became so far that it become a God. Those are 2 theories, but hey. What about before the idea of God came about?

Answer #17

I agree with toadaly. Both are possable.

Answer #18

FAITHFUL as he does exist:)

Answer #19

say what umbe?

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