When a person goes to hell, can they hear what you say?

Say if someone you know commits suicide, then goes to hell, then you try to talk to them by saying things aloud to them, like saying :”tina, I miss you so much”. Could that person hear what your saying to them?

Answer #1

If you actually are a religious person, you should be well educated about what your beliefs are. In this instance it depends on how you view suicide, and also how you view hell. Technically, there are three separate places that could be called ‘hell,’ and honestly, my personal belief is that hell is merely a perfect and total self-imposed separation from God. You might read something like ‘The Great Divorce’ by C.S. Lewis…that clears up a lot of the Christian idea of heaven and hell, and while it is an allegory and not a piece of technical theology, it is A, a beautiful piece of writing, and B, an extraordinary view of the afterlife by a thoughtful and eminently reasonable man. Also, suicide is a big question. You still have certain schools of Christ-followers who believe that if you kill yourself, you go straight to the hot place (gehenna, which is actually reserved for Satan), but we also believe in an all-good God, and if a person can forgive someone they love for committing suicide, I believe that God, in his all knowing, all good state, will likewise forgive. Suicide is an eminently selfish act, but not something, in my personal beliefs book, that’ll get you punished infinitely in the afterlife.

Answer #2

get_some if no one knows what happens when you die, how do you KNOW there is no hell?

Answer #3

as ifeelcrazy123 said, there just isnt any way to know. It cant hurt to say things like I miss you, just in case that person IS listening. I didnt have a friend commit suicide, but my best friend died of Lukemia a year ago and everyonce in awhile I will say things like I miss you liz or liz you would love this. Again, not suicide but I dont know where her spirit is or if she can here me, but I do it anyway. best wishes

Answer #4

No they can’t hear you. No one goes to hell, it doesn’t exist. When you die, you die. Your body ceases to harbor life. No one knows where you go when you die, or even if you go anywere. Its one of those things that you’ll have to wait to die to find out.

Answer #5

The dead are just dead and that’s that. It doesn’t matter how they died, they can’t hear you. They no longer exist in any meaningful sense.

Answer #6

Obviously not. Besides the fact that there is no such thing as hell, they are some 10,000 feet below the earths surface.

Answer #7

There is no way of knowing the answer to your question. No one KNOWS what happens after you die.

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