I want to scare my 7 year old brother I need ideas

any thing will work

Answer #1

omg I did this to my sis, does your brotherhave lots of pillows, blankets or stuffed anilmals on his bed, if so great ifnot hide under his bed or closet, it will do, but when he isin the bathroom getting ready for bed you hide under or the thing you have chosen. wait till he is in bed for a minite then say “good night” you will laugh so hard!

Answer #2

lol I got one for ya get sum sorta scary mask go hide ihis room with the lights off then when he comes in shout “IM GUNNA EAT YOU!!!” lmao thtl scare bthe siite out of him

Answer #3

um,,,. why?

Answer #4

I have an 8 year old bro and he scares me! Tip : when it is morning get a scary mask and wake him up and say ‘’YOU ARE GOING TO DIE TODAY” ha ha that will scare em! hope that helped!! :)

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