I still have a teddy

I am 13 years old and I have a teddy, I have had it since I was 6 but is it normal for me to still have one

Answer #1

no it’s not weird you ca keep that bear as long as you want trust me I’m 14 and I’ve had mi bear christopher robin since I was 3 oh trust me he’s not going anywhere and yea he is still in good condition they wanted me to give him to my brother uh no way jose go buy him one that’s a lil selfish huh but I love love love him

Answer #2

lol…thats totally normal you should see the stuffed animals I sleep with every night I have like 20 and im 15:]] I don’t know if thats normal haha.

Answer #3

I think at 14 it may be a little strange but not uncommon or anything to worry about. I think I gave up sleeping with stuffed animals at around 11. But hey like you said, everyone is different

Answer #4

That’s completely okay and normal! I’m in high school and I still have a all my stuffed animals. They’re special! I also sleep with a night light on.

Answer #5

I still have a little baby I have had ever since I was 3 years old and I am now 14 years old that I have to have to sleep with! I think it is perfectly normal.

Answer #6

OMG! I can not gt to sleep with my light on but everyone is different at the end of the day-for eg: I LOVE MINISKIRTS AND tops that push your boobs uup and my best mate hates thing like that :P

Answer #7

omg I have had the same stuffed animal since I was like eleven and I’m twenty right now. I think it’s totally fine–it is really comforting for me

Answer #8

Yeah that’s okay =) I have a small one too in my bed somewhere but my dogs kinda eaten it’s foot.. but I’ve had it since I was 6 aswell so I don’t think ill ever throw it away ;)

Answer #9

I have all my stuffys,even though im a tomboy,istill have a giant unicorn from when I was a baby,and when I have a nightmare I still sleep with her.and I have my old teddy bear,it looks like one my favorite character(Gaara)from my favorite show(Naruto,and other anime shows)and I still sleep with him every night

Answer #10

I sleep with a pocket knife.

Answer #11

seee my teddy is like a baby it stays in my arms

Answer #12

I’m 16 and I still have a teddy ^.^ actually I have a ton…>_> completely normal :P lOl

Answer #13

I have a stuffed monkey I’ve had him since I was born I still slep with it I cant slep with out it

Answer #14

Its a little unusual, but if you like it who cares? If you want to have a stuffed bear in your bed, whats the big deal?

Answer #15

I have one, but he gets kicked out of the bed a lot

Answer #16

kool-glad its perfectly normal think I might go sleep in a min seen as iit is 00:04 in england

Answer #17

I’m 13 Too,, I Can’t Sleep Without My Dog, I Have 2 Have Her Every Night.
Your Perfectly Normal. ;)

Answer #18

Haha im 14 and still sleep with my baby blanket and my silky elephent :) so yeah I think its okay

Answer #19

I’m 15 years old and I have a stuffed bunny I sleep with and I still sleep with my light on ;)

Answer #20

I have a cat it wakes me up every morning very nice… not

Answer #21

im guessing yours is reall lol

Answer #22

yes its okay. I’m 17 and I have a penguin I still sleep with. =^_^=

Answer #23

who cares if its normal if it makes you feel good im almost 15 and some nights ijust want something to cuddle with

Answer #24

It is super normal. I am 24 and I still sleep with a stuffed animal. A bunny I have had for 20 years. (It gets cleaned every year.) It keeps me company when my husband is gone. (He is in the army)

Answer #25

no one has the right to tell you whether or not its okay. if it makes you happy, then go for it. unless of course, it’s violating someone’s fundamental right.

Answer #26

I’m fifteen and I have this teddy I’ve had since I was born. He’s, like, a pyjama wearing rabbit, and I actually can’t fall asleep without hugging him. So, yeah, it’s perfectly normal. You’ll find if most of your friends don’t sleep with teddies it’s because they either didn’t have one at a young age, or their mothers/fathers/carers weened them off of them.

Answer #27

lol thanks good advice my sister who is 18 has a baby blanket she gota pic of her with it she evan takes it to her boyfriends lol

Answer #28

yeah, I’m 27 and I still sleep w my teddy bear. he even has a name and I get real mad when people play with him or throw him around. ;) I think it’s my inner ‘something’ that I’m missing and I think you have it too.

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