
What are your opinions on hunting?

I think you should only hunt to eat! You shouldn’t hunt for sport!

Answer #1

Utopis, you know I respect you very much, but I also want you to keep in mind that my family will donate deer meat to 2 of our local women and family shelters, And I will tell you those people are very happy about the food they get.

Answer #2

I think it is ok to hunt as long as you don’t waste anything. If you are going to hunt for fun and just leave the body when you r done, then you shouldn’t do it. It’s wrong. God made everything for a reason, so don’t waste what he has given us!

Answer #3

my boyfriend and I were actually just talking about this haha. I dont believe hunting should be a sport, at all. hunting should be for the hungry. not the bored.

Answer #4

I feel that hunting for sport is wrong, but I think that people that hunt for food should be allowed to.

I don’t hunt and I don’t eat the meat from it but who am I to deny someone else food?

Answer #5

I’m not a veggie so I can’t say killing them for the sake of eating them is wrong, but it isn’t particaly right, either… I wish I was a veggitarian. As a sport, it’s totally horrible…but to eat I’d say is ok.

Answer #6

billie rox.. Did you never learn in school that a chicken and a dear aren’t so different ke in the fact that they Are both living breathing things??

Answer #7

I don’t have anything against hunting to eat animals and hunting as a sport… that depends if you breed animals for people to hunt them… well then that is better that poaching and all that nonsense - I absolutely despise poachers. and people were made to eat meat we aren’t herbivors so I don’t hve anything against that either. but then again personal choice matters I guess.

Answer #8

Hunting is so wrong. Animals were put on this earth so we could live in harmony with them…not eat them.

Animals have always been hunted and eaten…they were the mainstay of the caveman, things haven’t changed…except now you can buy meat at the store.

Hunting and eating what you kill, is the only real reason to hunt. Sport hunting is a waste…


Answer #9

2 eat iz ok but 4 a sport it is terrible and I hate it.

Answer #10

I cannot agree with you more, and yes I am a hunter.

Answer #11

its ok to hunt as long as you do eat what you shoot, if you shoot it and leave it you suck

Answer #12

Hunting is so wrong. Animals were put on this earth so we could live in harmony with them…not eat them. Imagine a word without animals. This kind of world would not be a very good one. All I eat is chicken and it is a proven fact that chickens will never go extinct. But if all you meat eaters out there keep eating our animal..eventually there will BE no animals. I dont see how a hunter can go out there, kill a little deer, bring it home, set it on the table and eat it knowing it was once a living breathing creature who could have had a family of its own. We should all be working against hunting, instead of for it. We could live without meat, we could live without furs and all the other expensive things that also mean an animals death. So I just want you to imagine without any animals at all…and then think its all because of the heartless hunters. This is my opinion and if you don’y agree ith me then I dont really care.

Answer #13

I am a vegetarian mainly based on the fact of the way in which factory farm animals are treated. Think before you eat that chicken. Unless it was labeled free range it was kept in a wire cage until it was killed. Who actually NEEDS to hunt for food anymore? It is a very small percentage. If you don’t NEED to hunt for food, meaning that your family will STARVE without the meat, meaning they have no access to vegetables, then you are doing it for sport. Just because you eat the meat, doesn’t make you any less a hunter for sport.

Many sport hunters justify their hunting by saying they are eating their kill, that it doesn’t go to waste. Many hunters also say that the herds need to be kept in check by hunting, that they are helping the animals by thinning the herds. Well, the Humane Society of the U.S. has many successful methods of reducing herd population by giving the animals birth control medication.

So really, a hunter is a hunter. Unless your family will STARVE without that meat, you are hunting for sport. And what kind of sport is that? brutal.

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