When did humans first step on the Earth?

When did humans first step on the Earth?

Answer #1

My understanding,according to the Bible, the first persons God created were Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden - believed to be in the area of present-day Iraq.

Answer #2

I would say that humans have always been on the Earth whenever the Earth manifested. When the Earth was not manifested there were no people on the Earth, but as soon as the Earth became manifested humans walked right on it. I can give no date but to say that humans have been on the Earth forever but there are periods of time when they were not on Earth during times of unmanifestation.
Wow so many people don’t even answer the question. The question is when? Years? Not where humans first step foot on the Earth. That is actually pretty ridiculous to say that humans have only been here for 6,000 years when we human fossils that are over 4.5 million years old and many religious traditions have records of people who have lived billions of years ago. Why choose one religion over another? and why ignore science? Would it be probable to say that the Earth was created 400 years ago? I don’t think so.

Answer #3

The idea of a 6000 year old earth is rejected by many Christians. Why, even quite a few creationists believe that the earth is much older than 6000 years.

The fact is that the evidence for the young earth theory is too weak to be persuasive. That is why there are defenders of the young earth and literal 6 day creation week theories who concede that a portion of the earth may be very old. The opening verses of Genesis 1 can be legitimately translated to support the notion that something already existed prior to creation week, even if the week is interpreted literally.

Incidentally, St.Augustine opined that the days of Genesis 1 were not literal 24 hour days. And he lived long, long before the age of the earth became a subject of debate! In other words, Gen 1 can be interpreted in multiple ways even by believers.

Answer #4

Ha, Ha - I clicked another one for you Legion. “Or somewhere in Missouri if you were a Mormon!!!” I found that one funny. >:) I think the question should be when did the first Humans or Homosapiens appear on the earth. DNA evidence indicates that modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago. As for Adam and Eve, which is thought to be “metaphoric” by most bible scholars, that would’ve taken place in Iraq, (better known as known as Mesopotamia in biblical times). Also the same place lived, the forefather of the jewish nation through his son Isaac. For Muslims, he is a prophet of Islam and the ancestor of Muhammad through his other son Ishmael,(illegitimate son) by his concubine , Keturah. Seems they got started off on the wrong foot so to speak.

Answer #5

Biblical record says 6000 years and I do not doubt biblical record But I do doubt the Theories of man which is what the Dating of fossil records are based on. I know I’m not going to change your mind and I’m probable not going to change yours.

Answer #6

Many paleoanthropologists (scientists who study fossil remains of ancient peoples) believe that an early human being (hominid; a primate that walked upright) appeared sometime between 10,000,000 and 4,000,000 years ago. According to the most recent theory, humans are closely related to the great apes (chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas), although scientists have not yet found a common ancestor. In 1974 American paleoanthropologist Donald C. Johanson (1943– ) discovered the partial skeleton—the skull was missing—of a female hominid at Hadar, Ethiopia. Estimated to be about 3,200,000 years old, the creature stood 3.5 feet (.94 meters) tall and, though apelike, had definitely walked upright. Paleoanthropologists consider an upright walking posture to be the first significant change that distinguished hominids from apes.

Answer #7

What is your definition of a human … ? Is it limited to Homo sapien or would H.erectus or another qualify …? Certainly the science all points to an African origin for all current living members of the ‘Homo sapien’ race… Believe the science or prey to the whitch-doctor, your chooice. Cheers, Owen

Answer #8

Humans first walked on the earth when the first slimy, slithering creature crawled on to the shore.

This is actually an- I’ve been sitting here trying to think of when a human became a distinct, unique species that had the ability to reason and problem-solve. After all, isn’t that what makes us human, different from the rest of Earth’s apes? And can you pinpoint that period in time? My brain is bleeding just thinking about it…

Answer #9

when GOD made humans is when humans first stepped on earth.

Answer #10

I’d say about 6000 years ago.

Answer #11

Or somewhere in Missouri if you were a Mormon!!!

Answer #12

since the day Earth was born.

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