Future Earth

If every single human being died today, but the world was left unscathed, how long will it take for Earth to reach a state where it would seem that no civilization had ever existed, or that evidence of such an existence would be buried too deep to stumble across?

And part two of the question, if global warming did not exist, and nature was left to run its course without the interference of man, would Earth’s climate still be able to support human life in 100 million years?

Answer #1

I watched a documentary on this, and they theorized that the earth would return to it’s pre-human in state in about 2000 years. That’s means no more global warming, the ozone would even repair itself, and man-made structures would be overgrown with vegetation.

However, there would always be signs of human life if one cared to search for it underneath the overgrowth.

It was very interesting.

Answer #2

Cool :) but let’s say a million years had passed, would man-made structures have crumbled enough for it to be hidden so that one can’t find evidence of it unless you actually did an archeological dig? hehe weird question, but I’ve been wondering about it for a while

Answer #3

Well, even the most well-built structures eventually crumble into dust, but just as we have evidence of dinosaur or neanderthal life, there would be evidence of human life.

Answer #4

I saw something made by the history channel, or discovery or some channel which showed a documentary on this…

but I cant find it… here’s something else I found… http://digg.com/environment/If_humans_disappeared_from_the_earth_today_what_would_happen_pic http://digg.com/d13GIl

Answer #5

Since the technical aspects have been dealt with, how about own of my favourite quotes? It’s from D.H. Lawrence’s Women in Love:

‘…don’t you find it a beautiful, clean thought, a world empty of people, just uninterrupted grass, and a hare sitting up?’

Answer #6

stop right there. - is this a trick question? how long will it take for Earth… Time is a calculated event created by man. There will be space… but time would stop existing, for all tense and purposes…

Something, somewhere would eventually cause the earth to stop being self sufficient. As with all things, there is a beginning and an end. The dinosaurs were wiped out in that time frame. I do not see why we cannot fall victim as well.

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Biology, Chemistry, Physics