How do I tell my teacher I was raped?

What are some ways I can tell my teacher I was raped?

Answer #1

You need to contact the police and make sure your parents know.

Answer #2

Take some time after class to talk to her privately and, I know its frightening, but, you could just say, Could I please speak with you after class? But, mainly, and I agree with everyone that answered this question that you should talk to your parents and the police. Your parents and the police are your main people. It wouldn’t hurt to at least tell your teacher since she’s like your counselor.

Answer #3

It is a great idea to tell your teacher, or any other adult that you trust. I think the best solution would be to ask for some time to be set aside so there is no pressure for you to spit out your story quickly, and you will have privacy. I always use the term “sexual assault”. Everyone knows what it means, but for some reason, it is so much easier to say than the nasty are word, that conjures up bad feelings. The assault was not your fault, even though it may feel like it. Your teacher will understand that and he or she will not judge you. Keep these things in mind and it may be a little (only a little) easier to say.

Answer #4

I wouldnt tell a teacher. I would tell my mom or dad, if you cant tell them, tell a school counseler, or the police. I would probably try to talk to my parents first. I hoped this helped a little bit

Answer #5

It must be hard on you…well done for typing it. The first step is always the hardest .If you are ready then the police the best way to go. Good Luck and well done for coming this far…x

Answer #6

I totally agree with everyone, assuming that you haven’t told anyonw I thinks that’s information for the police or your parents. Unless this teacher is like a counsellor or something I dont thinks its appropriate.

Answer #7

I dont think that is a good thing to tell your teacher I think that that would be the type of thing to tell the police or your parents.

Answer #8

First of all did you tell your moms or pops? if so did they do anything about it?

Answer #9

wow ummm yea well I agree I was rapped once and it was hard on me too, but yea I would try to tell the poliie or try to tell anyone you feel confertable around, I told my teacher when I was rapped, but.. good luck to you!!

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