how do I become mre fit???

how do I become mre fit ???

Answer #1

EAT GOOD FOOD LIKE NOOO CHOCOLATE OR SWEETS OR you COULD JUST STARVE URSELF! you SHOULDNT BE on a diet at your age it will cause you health problems later

Answer #2

eat healthy and exercise.

so do some research on what you already eat, and see if you can find articles on how to make your eating habits better.

for exercise, do 3 days of cardio exercise and 3 days of muscle training exercise… switch on and off each day and have one day a week where you just rest and recover.

Answer #3

thxs and I do do these things and get boys im always friends wiz thm so we tlk a lot which is kl I hope people see my as a kind interestin person that is also fit and pretty bt I js wunna no if thy do also im always up 4 improvement bt I wunna no how because all thm things I do do bt I really lk this 1 guy hes my best friend cn you go on da question and help because its related to this 1 thxs x x

Answer #4

well you’re probably really hot if you actually do these things.

Boys like a girl they can get a long with too… don’t obsess about health all the time… you need to be able to hold a converation with a boy about something he likes to talk about. Common guy themes… video games, sports, cars, guns, action movies…

It is true that boys like pretty girls, but if you can intrigue them with your brain too, then you will start to get better boys.

Answer #5

ummm I do eat perfectly and im at a healthy weight and im nt going anitrectcic eva again and I do exersize enough and I do taekwondo 3 times a week 4 2 hours and I go to twn and I do loads of stuf to exersize you no da norm lk run around da house do things around it which every1 does lol bt I wunna no wht boys lk a girl 2 look lk I mean I get loads of boys bt I wunna look better thn I do lk I’ve had my hair cut and I’ve toned up a bit and stuf bt wht else cn I cn do I love to improve myself cn ya help me 2 please thxs

Answer #6

take up sports… try not to eat after 6 o clock ! && when ever yu want to eat drink water !! :P

Answer #7


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