How did jesus christ get his name?

How did jesus christ get his name?

Answer #1

Jesus got His Name from the angel sent from God Who appeared to Mary, saying you will give birth to a son and you shall call His Name Jesus. Christ means chosen or anointed one.

Copied and pasted from wikipedia: Historicity of Jesus (last page) Jesus as myth

Main article: Jesus myth hypothesis
Further information: Jesus Christ and comparative mythology

A few scholars have questioned the existence of Jesus as an actual historical figure. Among the proponents of non-historicity have been Bruno Bauer in the 19th century. Non-historicity was somewhat influential in biblical studies during the early 20th century. (The views of scholars who entirely rejected Jesus’ historicity then were summarized in the chapter on Jesus in Will Durant’s Caesar and Christ (in 1944); they were based on a suggested lack of eyewitness, a lack of direct archaeological evidence, the failure of certain ancient works to mention Jesus, and similarities early Christianity shares with then-contemporary religion and mythology.[75])

Michael Grant stated (in 1977) that the view is derived from a lack of application of historical methods:

…if we apply to the New Testament, as we should, the same sort of criteria as we should apply to other ancient writings containing historical material, we can no more reject Jesus' existence than we can reject the existence of a mass of pagan personages whose reality as historical figures is never questioned. ... To sum up, modern critical methods fail to support the Christ myth theory. It has 'again and again been answered and annihilated by first rank scholars.' In recent years, 'no serious scholar has ventured to postulate the non historicity of Jesus' or at any rate very few, and they have not succeeded in disposing of the much stronger, indeed very abundant, evidence to the contrary.[76]

More recently, arguments for non-historicity have been advanced by George Albert Wells in The Jesus Legend and The Jesus Myth, by Earl Doherty (The Jesus Puzzle), and by notable biblical scholar Robert M. Price in Deconstructing Jesus and The Incredible Shrinking Son of Man: How Reliable is the Gospel Tradition?. Non-historicity has recently been put forward also in popular literature by number of authors, e.g. by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy in their books The Jesus Mysteries and Jesus and the Lost Goddess. Nevertheless, non-historicity is still regarded as effectively refuted by almost all Biblical scholars and historians.[77][78][79]

[edit] Notes “A few scholars have questioned…”, why not millions?

He is and always will be the great I Am, Who came to save us from our sins. His shed blood covered all sin, that we may have eternal life. As soon as we die on this earth, our next breath will be taken in heaven, that is, if we even have to breathe being surrounded by His Glory! The humble son of man, Holy Son of God reigns forever more.

Answer #2

The name ‘Jesus’ in Hebrew translates to “YHWH saves”. Since he is the savior god of the Hebrew, it’s a fitting name.

Regarding ‘Christ’, most will tell you it means ‘anointed’ - referring to the anointing associated with new kings in ancient times. I have a different idea. The oldest references refer to a ‘Chrestus’ rather than a ‘Christus’. This is a subtle difference indeed, except that ‘Chrestus’ means ‘good’ rather than ‘annointed’. The implication then is that originally “Christ Jesus” as the epistles call him was ‘Chrestus Jesus’ meaning “The good YHWH saves” - not a name at all really, but a declaration of a concise theology.

Answer #3

good answer.

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