How can I tell my Mom that I'm engaged?

I am 13 years old and I have a boyfriend who is 14, we have been going out more than 7 months now! we are really into each other (we share everythink) recently he has asked me to marry him I sed yes and we have arranged that we do it as soon as I turn 16! but the problem is how can I tell my mum that I am engaged, cause all I think of is that my mum will try and talk me out off it, because my mum and dad got married at a young age but they split after 15 years of marriage! how should I tell my mum ? please help me I really love this guy!

Answer #1

It would be a HUGE mistake !! - Both of you would really be messing up your lives - Far too young - grow up ! - get an education THEN a ring and a date, in order to establish a mature, loving, stable, home environment - Face it: You are a child - children mistake ‘puppy love’ (not lasting - definately not the real thing) as real love…Hope you make the right choice !!

Answer #2

Being 13, you’re either about to, or just starting to go through puberty. You’re going to do a lot of growing and changing in about the next 8 years (not just physically, but mentally too). Often people find they’re not the same person they were 2 years ago, and the person they fell in love with isn’t the same either. It’s easy to idealise a relationship at your stage of development, because you’re currently going through a stage of puberty where you are only just becoming aware of certain emotions. It’s all new and exciting, and it’s easy to get mixed up because you really haven’t felt these feelings about anyone before. My suggestion is just to relax and have fun just being in love- there’s no hurry to get engaged, and wouldn’t it be better to show people that you can hold your relationship happily without needing the title of being engaged?

Answer #3

I’m sorry…I just can’t even be sensitive about this one…I’m laughing too hard. I apologize if I am hurting your feelings…but Oh I just fell out of my chairrr…

Answer #4

your WAAAYYY too young kiddo…u are sooo young to be engaged and most probably to get married when your 16…this is most probably what we can call puppy love…

think about it…

Answer #5

Your boyfriend asked you to marry him? Did you ever get that diamond ring like many engaged women do?

You’re THIRTEEN. You’ll fall out of love. I won’t even expect your relationship to last until you’re sixteen. Sad story, but things happen. Go to the following thread for a better answer:

Answer #6

I know how you feel right now, sorry to say hunny but you will fall out of it. I know you aren’t going to listen to me because of how you feel. But in the long run, its worth listening to.

Answer #7

i didnt get a diamond ring cause we are buying each other rings at christmas its not all about the ring any way and buy the way i fanceyed this guy like 3 years b4 i went out with him and i havent fallen out off love yet i dont think it is gonna happen

Answer #8

you need to go on line and look at dr. phil he had 2 on there the other day that married young got 2 kids he won’t work no way to feed kids kids are the ones suffering go to dr. phil .com and read you may change your mind

Answer #9

Just say to your mum that you really love him more than anything in the world, and you could quite happily spend the rest of your life with him. Im sure she’ll understand. and if she doesnt then dont worry, shes got years to reconsider.

Answer #10

I can tell from expirence weather your 16 or not until your 18 your not legal until you 18, so if you was to get married without your mom or dads promissions it wont be legal, until you 18! I know that because I was going to get married when I was 16 but i couldn’t because i was a minor and my mom wouldn’t sign for me, iam gald that she didn’t let me because he tried to rape me one night, see I knew him for 3 years dated for 1 and people do change. so wait you have got your whole life ahead of you. I’d say 18-25 AND BE SURE HE IS THE ONE

Answer #11

umm…not to offend you but i dont think its the committed kind of love that you think you have…its probably puppy love…im not saying that youre too young and whatever because i know you cant put an age on love but…its only been 7 months and its best to be with someone for probably more than a yr or even 2 so you can really get to know that person before you decide on if you want to spend the rest of your life with that person or not…right now i think you should not worry about getting have your whole life to do that…enjoy being young and all the experiences life gives you…i wouldnt tie yourself down…its good that youve guys love each other but learn about each other and just grow up together and then when your older then make that decision..

Answer #12

Um You’re 13? Engaged. Okay. Lovely. Retarded. Why get engaged at 13? You have high school. A lot of things to do and not get married to a guy. 7 months. Sounds awesome. I’m sure you are very close. But…relationships, especially in teen years, aren’t always what they look like. Maybe it’s just me. But. I don’t think that getting married at such a young age is a wise idea. I know a couple that are…old. They got married at 15 and they do very well. It’s rare though. If you think that you really want your mom to know, then tell her. If she freaks out…assume she’s on crack.

Answer #13

Now I think I’ve heard it all. You’re THIRTEEN and you’ve fancied this guy since you were TEN? And now you’re engaged to be married?


I don’t even have any advice to give you other than that if I had a 13 year old daughter OR a 14 year old son and if they told me they were engaged to be married, the first words out of my mouth would be “Forget about it!”

That said, you ‘will’ never forget your ‘first love’, but I somehow suspect that when you’re 21, you’ll look back on this and laugh.

Answer #14

Your 13!!! How old is the guy your dating? People change a lot as they grow. I was going to marry the last guy I was with he was my high school sweetheart. After dating him for 3 years I broke up with him b/c I had goals in my life and he didn’t. You will see when you get older what I mean. If you tell your mom she will probably be mad(I know I would) and she will probably tell you to froget about it.

Answer #15

I know how you feel. When I was 14, I had a boyfriend, and we said all the things you’d expect us to say, “I’ll love you forever,” “I want to marry you as soon as we’re old enough.” Guess what? I broke up with him when I was 17, because I realized we had both changed very much, and he wasn’t making me happy any more. Now I’m with someone else, in a much more mature relationship, because I learned from the last one.

Now, I giggle when I think that I wanted to get married to someone I was “in love with” when I was 14.
You’re not stupid or bad for feeling this way, but try to think about it a little more of a grown up way.

Answer #16

No. It’s normal for girls to think - and I repeat, “think” - about getting married, but her boyfriend was the one who proposed. Now that is bizarre.

Answer #17

The ‘logic & reasoning’ section of the human brain, doesn’t fully develop until you’re 21-23

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