How can I move out at 14?

okay my parents have beat me and made sure my life was miserable my whole life. I was 7 sayin I cant wait to turn 18 & leave. well things have gotten worse. im 14 & a half & I cant do anything! they dont trust me at all & there always yellin at me & hittin me & sayin things would be better w/ out me. tonight they told my boyfriend who just turned 18 we couldnt be together. my mom has told me to leave several times & I want to sooo bad but my dad will call the police. how can I legally get away from them.

Answer #1

Well, first off a 14 year old girl shouldn’t have an 18 year old boyfriend. Sounds like you pretty much like to test the limits. I’d sure like to hear your parents side of the story. I bet it would be quite a bit different.

Answer #2

Do you have any other family that would take you in or maby your boyfriend’s parents well take you in you should see if they well fill for cusitody for you if you really don’t want to live at home any more here.

Answer #3

You have to agree, amblessed is right.. Try to compromise with your daughter is nine years old, and she’s a real brat, and why, because we spoiled her..But when we set limits, she see’s and understands them..I don’t believe in hitting to get a point across, but if you want to leave home, you’ll probably end up more miserable..Hang in there..

Answer #4

you can’t. at 16 you can get emancipated, which means you are legally divorced from your parents. until then..there’s nothing you can really do. unless you want to go to the police, or child services, or a foster home for a while.. :[

Answer #5

Your a little young but there are a lot of teens going through the same thing. Legally your not allowed to leave your parents until 16 but under law they do have programs that allow you to go into planned housing. Its pretty much where you live on your own or with one other person and the goverement pays for housing,food, etc… the only thing is its offfered to individuals who are living in very poor conditions. If you really feel like that then call gov agengices and check it out good luck

Answer #6

u have to wait till your 16.. sorry hott stuff. stay hott. xoxo.

Answer #7

Growing up is very difficult—for both you and your parents. They remember a little bundle of joy that they held and nurtured as a baby and now they see a budding adult. These days, children face things and know about things that their parents would never have imagined at the same age. The teenagers of today look older, act older and want to be older than their counterparts did just 20 years ago. It is the desire of all parents for their children grow up in the way that they should go (loving, caring, respectful, and being of good solid character). It is necessary that you truly understand that your parents have your best interests at heart. They will withhold privileges, set limits, and raise you to the best of their ability (neither they nor you are perfect), but be Thankful - They Care - many, many, many don’t. Ask them for guidance and seek to understand what truly motivates their decisions. One of the best ways to prove your maturity and prove that you are ready for more trust is to be respectful of your parent’s wishes and accept their guidance. Learn how to communicate love, honor, and respect to each other…Hope in the future you can find 1 good thing to say about your parents…Good luck !!

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