How can I stop the neighbours cat from pooping on my lawn?

Can a cat poop on a neighbor lawn? What to do to stop cat. I need to stop the cat from pooping in my lawn.

Answer #1

cat repellent rods,these rods emit a strong scent,which is designed to stop cats fouling in the sorrounding area or ultra sonic outdoor pest repellor this is designed to stop unwanted vistors the unit,which triggers a bust of powerful ultrasound harmlessy scaring the cat away

Answer #2

reporting them OH YEAHHH or you can just video tape it then give proof to report them

Answer #3

empty plastic pop bottles work,, slightly fill them to add weight so the wind don’t get them,,,, or just buy yourself a good old fashioned air rifle

Answer #4

Have you tried asking your neighbors? Do they know there cats are using you lawn as a litter box? Its possible they don’t know and can help. If you don’t know your neighbors you can send a letter ( you don’t even have to leave your name in this scenario )asking them to put a litter box outside. If they’re offended or won’t help at least you know you’ve tried and they would rather leave it up to you. Good luck. :)

Answer #5

Have you tried asking your neighbors? Do they know there cats are using you lawn as a litter box? Its possible they don’t know and can help. If you don’t know your neighbors you can send a letter ( you don’t even have to leave your name in this scenario )asking them to put a litter box outside. If they’re offended or won’t help at least you know you’ve tried and they would rather leave it up to you. Good luck. :)

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