what my houses/ road/streets history going back to 15th century ?

i live worthing, west suses and on buckingham road, ?

Answer #1

id say it goes back a lot further… roman times would be my guess. obviously the house wouldnt be that far back but the roads wouldnt be too far off

Answer #2

Hiya, I have friends in Worthing. Looking at the earliest map (1875-76, co-ords = 514602 102510) online at old-maps co uk I see Shelley Rd did not exist, but Graham Rd and Prospect place did. It shows an un-named road that would be the present Salisbury and Buckingham roads combined, and there look to be plots of land (or smallholdings) marked for building - but without houses at that time. Coastal living did not become popular until the Royal Pavilion was built (1823), so the local towns were still under development 50y later.

I would expect that in the 15th century there would only have been fields. Was there something about the 15th century that made you choose that date?

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