My daughter doesn't act 18

My daughter is 18 but never acts like this

Answer #1

She is still growing up. My boyfriend’s sister is 17 and acts like she is 12. The girl has been treated like the baby her entire life, and now she continues the charade. I dont know if that is tha case with your daughter, but she will eventually grow up.

Answer #2

From Dr.Love Give her time and space. If you have a good relationship with her she’ll talk to you about it. Give it time.

Answer #3

my daughter is 18 and she was wanting to move out to live with her girlfriend so after we talked about it I said yes.and then she wanted money off me so I told her if she wants to be an adult I will treat her like I told her to go out and get a job and afted a while she became more inderpendent and she has grown up a lot and we are now the best of friends

Answer #4

Wow, 18 again. Been a while there. I remember when I was 18, and I was just trying to figure out who I was. Then again, I’m 33, and still have fun like a kid. However, tonyv is right. Give her time and space, and always be there when she needs you. Put your foot down , when you need too, but always give a nudge in the right direction as opposed to all out war. My daughter is 15 years old, and has Aspergers. Believe me you want emotional mood swings…wow. She’s either really mature for her age, or a down right baby. But, I let her find her own way I life, and help where I can.

So I guess I’m just saying, be patient.

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