Hard riddle this time...

You do not want to have it, But when you do have it, You do not want to lose it? What is it?

Answer #1

I actually thought virginity too (odd that we all came up with that one), but that would be opposite. You want to lose it, but once you’ve lost it you want it back. :)

Answer #2

that could deff. be a lot of things. not a very good riddle :[

listening to: shut up and let me go, the ting tings. :]

Answer #3

ooh. didn’t see that one coming. yeah I like the song, how about … stolen, dashboard confessional

Answer #4

hahaha virginity. that’s funny. :]] I love stolen. GREAT song :]]]

Answer #5

Life, virginity, time???

I don’t know…

Answer #6

uh that could be a lot of things. hahaa.

Answer #7

I believe it’s Time

xox Sika

Answer #8


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