How can I tell my mother that she's interfering?

Alright so, I live with my mother and my two kids. The father is involved with the raising of the childeren. And to my regret so is my mother. Shes always underminding what we say and she just off. Just yesterday my son and I were in his room doing his homework. My mom kept butting in and I kept telling her that my son needs to have quite so he can focuse on his work. But grandma kept going into the room and waving off whatever I said as if it wasnt important.

It’s down right annoying and I know its giving our kids the wrong idea. The idea thats its ok to disrespect mommy and daddy.

Now I’m saving up to move out (which I know is my best action here, it’s just hard because I’m well a starving college student and kids arent cheap) but in the mean time, how can I tell her that she needs to shut up and let us raise our own kids without actually saying that?

Answer #1

She may not realize at all what she’s doing. After you’ve been a mother for years and years you kind of get used to telling people what to do! It’s a fear I have too – I know when my kids start having babies it’s going to be so hard to just sit back and watch instead of barging in and taking over. But if I really think about it, I remember my parents being VERY respectful of me as a young mother, and not giving help unless I asked for it.

I think you can tell her in a nice way, without upsetting her, that you really need to do this on your own and grow as a parent. Tell her you know its difficult because you’re still under her roof, but that she needs to have more faith in you and give you more credit as a mother because you’re a good one and (salespitch here) that is because she raised you well enough to do that :)

Answer #2

Show her this question and the replies?

I think, maybe you should simply have to talk to her. Serious, but not so serious that it’s like telling her off. Tell her you mean no disrespect, and you understand it is likely difficult to sit back and not do anything but it is your turn. Be polite about it.

Answer #3

“Time to grow up and step up to your responsibilities.”

Um, I have a part time job as a phlebotomist, all the money I get from that goes to the kids, rent and paying fees and everything else for med-school. I’m well on my way to being a cardiologist. I have my own car, I pay for my own insurance, my own food and day care and well just about everything else.
I cook dinner everynight, clean everyday. I don’t go out all the time and spend money on drugs or drinking or anything unless it’s benificial to my family.

Hey come to think of it: I AM irresponsible.

Maybe I should quite the job I went to a year and a half of school for to pay for my other four years of school and just get on warfare and let your moms tax money feed my kids. Such a better plan. Thanks.

Answer #4

Dear twigy, Some of us did it…and so can you. If you are paying rent at home…then you can pay rent to a landlord? What we are suggesting is moving out. But if you do not then you need to be tolerant of your living situation. It sounds like it is your choice to be there. Sue…good luck

Answer #5

Dear Sue;

I know I need to move out. That’s why I stated that I was saving money to do so. It doesnt happen over night. Even if I could just pack up and leave right now, how does that solve this issue? Sounds like running away to me. I love and respect my mother and we now have a pretty good relationship, and I want to keep the lines of communication open and I’m seeking advice on how to do that without hurting her feelings. THAT’S my point and THAT’S my question. How to TALK to her, not how to get AWAY from her.

Answer #6

Dear twigy, This isn’t about your mother it is about you…you live under her roof and if you don’t like it move out. You can get social assistance until you get yourself a job. You made the choice to have children before you had a career and a way to support them. Now live with your consequences. Time to grow up and step up to your responsibilities. Sue…good luck

Answer #7

I think you have a good thing with the whole “I need to grow as a parent.” sort of thing. Thank you.

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