What are some good things to put in trail mix?

Answer #1

Smarties! Cheerios (or any cereal) Peanuts, dried bananas, any dried fruits, rasins. ummmmmmm idk anything you think that would be tasty :P

Answer #2

Smarties in trail mix, ew ? (x Rasins, dried fruit, jelly beans, hard candys, crackers, cheez-its, pretzels, cereals. Making me hungry..nomnomnom

Answer #3

Actually smarties r good in trail mix, it seems weird but it is good

Answer #4

Wouldn’t they just break ? O.O

Answer #5

Some do but 95% of them don’t, I can deal with that

Answer #6

Oh. I love smarties. I hate trail mix tho. Dx

Answer #7

Nuts, M&M’s, raisins, dried banana’s, chocolate and white chocolate morsels, dry cereal…

Answer #8

chex, pecans, almonds, little yogurt covered granola pieces, chocolate chips, (:

Answer #9

Dark chocolate, cashew nuts, dried apricots, dried cranberries, raisons and brazil nuts are nice.

Answer #10

Chese-it’s,pretzels,crereal,dried fruit(DRIED MANGOS!! Yummuy),chocolate chips,nuts(ha ha ha),crackers,M&Ms,Luaghy Taffy,granola pieces(and not the hard azz ones,the chewy kind)…..yea

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