Where can I get a good in depth book on being a wiccan?

Answer #1

You can find books on Wicca at any large book store in the Religion are. You can also order them online from Chapters or any bookstore like that. As a starter book I would suggest “Scott Cunningham’s Guide to a Solidary Practicioner” or “Living Wiccan”. They are both excellent books for beginners.

Answer #2

Thx so much

Answer #3

Avoid Silver RavenWolf like the PLAGUE! Along with Scott Cunningham, Fiona Horn, Star Halk, Laurie Cabot , avoid ‘em like the plague. You might as well be throwng your money in the trash. People who are self taught from those books wind up having to be re-taught when joining covens. The best books for begginers would be Witches By:Stuart A. Kallen, & Also Wicca for Idoits(it’s actually pretty good). Also, seeing as how Gerald Gardner & Alestier Crolwy are the founders of the religion it may not be a bad idea to buy a few of their books(though I’ld suggest Alester Crowley over Gerald Gardner, personally speaking).

Answer #4

evidence for Gerald Gardner’s claims being less than impeccable

Answer #5

Thank you very much

Answer #6

not a problem at all if you wish, funamil me & I can help teach you

Answer #7

U have to follow me b4 I can funmail you

Answer #8


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