Who wrote the quaran?

Who wrote the quaran? I kind of know but I want to know if other people know who wrote it.

Another question I would like to ask: What happens when you carry the quaran to various places and read it? Like what would happen?

Answer #1

all holy books were written by God. He wrote Quran also. Quran is the holy book of muslims. GOd sent his angel to his prophet HAZRAT MUHAMAD S.A.W.W who combined all the verses of Quran in the same order as GOD adviced him. all muslims read this holy book everyday and ask to God for forgiveness of their sins. God sent 4 holy books 4 man but only the holy Quran remain in the real shape.

Answer #2

Im tempted to say God wrote the quran.. but he can’t of, can he. I swear my earliest memory of an R.E lessons is someone asking who wrote all the holy books, and my crack-head of a teacher (She mysteriously disappeared 2 weeks later) told us God wrote them all and buried them. So I spose I’ve always thought it. Lmao, I’ve just realised how stupid that sounds.

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