What would you do if your friend asked you to insert an enema because she's constipated?

Answer #1

Help her … obviously she trusts you.

Answer #2

i would ask her what the hell is the matter her…then again, thats just me, my friends and i joke like idiots all the time.

Answer #3

if you dont feel comfortable doing that tell her your sorry, your not comfortable with doing that and she should find someone else; but if it doesn’t really bother you then help her out, there’s nothing wrong with that!

Answer #4

If she is not joking and have no family and is only you, then it may be that she does need your help. But if you are really uncomfortable with the idea then tell her the truth. Don’t commit yourself if you are not gonna go with it. Usually is not a bad process. You use lube and follow the directions. Hopefully she won’t ask you to wipe her butt afterward. That would be too much. But Usually enemas are self administered unless the patient is bed ridden or morbidly obese.

Answer #5

I suppose I would help her, obviously you two are tight if she would trust you to do that. but I dont have a problem with seeing people naked, im not sure if you do..

Answer #6

I would tell her 1) that an enema is only a very short-term fix (at best) for constipation, and she should start eating more high-fiber foods and drinking more water, and 2) to ask a girlfriend to do it instead, or maybe a boyfriend, or my wife.

Answer #7

In looking at many of your questions, I’d say you have a preoccupation with toilet activities and a best friend. I’d guess that somehow, asking these questions provides some sort of titillation for you. I don’t think you have a best friend who’s constipated, lol…

Answer #8

Ohhhh, and i just saw what your name on here is. I guess it all fits!

Answer #9

you should post about it on funadvice and just leave her waiting until you get good answers from ppl you dont know

Answer #10

HaHaHaHaHa “Hopefully she won’t ask you to wipe her butt” xP

Answer #11

lol I’d ask your wife ;] jk <3

Answer #12

personally i would tell her she is a big girl she can do it herself because thats really nasty but if your ok with it then go ahead its more up to you than her :)

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