What is your favorite snack food late at night?

I usually break out the doritos or try to make nachos if I have all of the ingredients.

Answer #1

Granola bars, those garlic pretzel things, marshmallows, tomatos & salt, bananas or popsicles.

Answer #2

depends how hungry I am. I can go with anything from a granola bar to a bowl of cereal. I try and stay away from sugar or it’ll keep me up all night.

Answer #3

Almost always it’s ice cream for me. I looovveee ice cream and I probably eat it too much but I don’t care. :)

Answer #4

heck yea! marshmallows rock

Answer #5

I like chocolate. (:

Answer #6

The snacks i usually reach for late at night are - cubed cheese, pepperoni, garlic rye chips, pralines, and popcornn.

Answer #7

Usually I don’t eat a late night meal but lately I have been eating Kettle Corn frm Whole Foods and Goldfish Extreme Pizza Flavor with a sprite.

Answer #8

Cheddar popcorn. xD

Answer #9

I usually snack on milk n cookies at night:).

Answer #10

dorito’s+peanutbutter=sammich. bagels. or roman.

Answer #11

oreos, brownies, a piece a cake, pie, kasugai(asian gummies), hello pandas(asian snack), squid jerky(yea we go to the asian market a lot)and ruffles with queso. its actually pretty durn good.

Answer #12

Last night me and my flatmates were all up talking and it was 11:45pm and one of them felt like doughnuts, she had been going on and on about it since about 10pm. The store closed at midnight so we had 15 mins to rush there… we jumped in the car and her brother drove us all about 10 metres down the road and the car ran out of gas… so we pushed it to the curb and were in hysterics laughing! Although Bekah never got her doughnuts :(

Answer #13

Yogurt. Cheetos. Almond Butter or Peanut Butter with either Honey-crisp apple slices or celery. Sorbet. Cereal. Apple. White nectarine. Or I chug like 2 liters of water, or make some tea. Or I eat chocolate and Life Savers if I have some. :D

Answer #14

Crack-A-Wheat crackers, Mrs. Crimble’s corn cakes, passion fruits, veggie stuff anyway!! xx

Answer #15

Yes Granola :)

Answer #16

For me it’s always chocolate chip ice cream :)

Answer #17

Awesome choice :)

Answer #18

No ice cream? lol

Answer #19

Haha xD. but you have now that awesome doughnut story to tell. There is a store open 24/7 near by, so there have been times were I just need some ice cream or some doritos.

Answer #20

So much sugar, how do you sleep so wired up :)

Answer #21

You got my favorite Harleeeeey lol, Doritos :)

Answer #22

I love kettle corn.

Answer #23

Salt and vingar pringles chips <3

Answer #24

Excellent choices.

Answer #25

because im usually bone tired so hard day at school defeats the sugar.

Answer #26

Lol yeah that too

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