Answer #1

It depends … are you talking about North Pole Elves, Keebler Elves, Shoemaker Elves, or Tolkien Elves?

Of those 4 choices, I would think only Tolkien Elves would have the ability to marry a human, as the rest are so small, their mate would likely crush them to death by rolling over in bed, especially the Keebler Elves, as all those cookies will make their partner pretty bulky.

That being said, please tell me you’re not serious … you’re not … are you?

Answer #2

Colleen, you’re an elf.

Answer #3

Colleen, you’re an elf.

Answer #4

Collen are you an elf?…And no i’m not serious

Answer #5

I’m a special sort of elf … I’m tricksy and mess up all Ericson’s hard work :P

Answer #6


Answer #7

Hey collen tell me about you……Like how u looke like as an elf

Answer #8

Yes is the answer to that fascinating question.

Answer #9

There is a belief that perhaps elves and other fae are actually the ghosts of Pagans. If we are speaking upon that belief, than no that isn’t really possible. If you really believe in the storybook elves…which I have a suspicion you just might based on your past questions… they aren’t real in that sense. Neither are vampires (in the storybook sense, in response to another question you posted). Don’t lose touch with reality deary.

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