Do you drink the tap water where you live?

Answer #1

i do i just make sure its all clear in the glass first lol. When i lived in the country country i didnt becuase it was well water. But i live in the city now so its pretty clean.

Answer #2


Answer #3

No, my parents had a filter installed so I drink the water through there.

Answer #4

yes - however, when I lived out in the country where we had a well, I had to purchase an expensive filtering system in order to have safe water.

Answer #5

filtered water tastes better but i sometimes drink tap water if i’m to lazy to go downstairs to get the filtered water.

Answer #6

Yes but it has a filter.

Answer #7

that is still tap water it come out your tap

Answer #8

We always send the water through a filter first (:

Answer #9

Yes, I do.

Answer #10

But i prefer water with gas, so I usually drink bottled.

Answer #11

Ever since the lab from science when I was in 8th grade, where we studied parasites of the lake and went and got samples to look at, Ive always drinken from the filterer ever since. Even though, yeah, I know the water doesnt just come straight from the lake, but, it freaked me out a bit lol.

Answer #12

Nope. I only drink bottled water.

Answer #13

I do now. In the past I lived places where the tap water tasted so bad it was undrinkable. Where I live now has pretty good water right out of the tap

Answer #14

No!!!!!!!!!!!!! It taste horrible!

Answer #15

Yes. Where I live it’s very clean, and sometimes even tastes better than the water out of the fridge! Can’t say the same for my old work though, it’s a Dragway on the way out of town and the water was deemed unsafe to drink. Not that there were any signs that said so, you had to figure that out yourself.

Answer #16

i drink our water :) straight outta the nueces, although my roommate just got a kidney stone by drinking it, so am a little at odds. I heat it up and use it for tea. :3

Answer #17

My house is in the country and on a well, I drink it, (have had it tested first) and will also drink city tap water anywhere, anytime with no worries whatsoever. City water treatment plants have strict guidelines to follow and I just trust that they are. The taste of different water sources will depend on the amount of hardness and the treatment process being used in that city. It’s hard to believe but a certain water can have an undesireable taste, but still be safe. The reason many “bottled water” brands taste so good has nothing to do with where the water came from, but how it was treated. They add minerals such as calcium and magnesium (hardness) back into the water for flavor. It’s a big marketing competiton among different brands.

Answer #18

yes i like it , normally its sweet

Answer #19

Yes I do.

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