What happens if you drink too much Redbull?

Answer #1

Your grow oversized wings

Answer #2

People have died from drinking too many energy drinks. the LD50 of caffeine is 192 milligrams per kilogram in rats. Sometimes one person is more sensitive then another.

Answer #3

lmao, redbull gives you wings!!!

Answer #4

It can cause heart problems.

Answer #5

My mom used to drink redbull like everyday and she got really sick for a couple days and even had to go to the Hospital.

Answer #6

if you only drink energy drinks it will dehydrate you and can damage your kiddies. if you drink a lot at once it can cause your heart to beat rapidly causing an arrhythmia witch can be fatal.use moderation and drink at least equal amounts of water.

Answer #7

Op. I had 3 yesterday >.< I drink redbull like twice a day lol because I hardly get any sleep. :S

Answer #8

Generally short term effects could be dehydration, jitters, and irregular heart rate. I drink 2 a day also. i drink one in the morning and one later in the day. I drink at least 32 ounces of water through out the day, to stay hydrated. Some of the ingredients in it such as taurine can be hard for your kidneys to filter and can cause later on problems. Also such ingredients can be addictive if you drink it long term. My suggestion to you is to get some sleepy time tea or herb tea to make it easier to sleep at night that way you don’t have to drink as much of it. =)

Answer #9

I have vodka for that. :P but no xD haha most of the time I’m just up all night watching movies and talking to friends and stuff. I don’t like sleeping anymore cuz I have nightmares nowadays D:

Answer #10

Hmmm its bad if you have like 3 everyday energy drinks make your heart race and make your adrineline go up sky high and cause heart attacks

Answer #11

Yhea I used to be madly addicted to it too back in highschool.

Answer #12

=( i’m sorry well i hope at least my answer helped you alittle. i hope your nightmares go away so you can get some sleep=)

Answer #13

Connor, remember the time i frunk 5 energy drinks in a day? i was fine, still am, youl be okay :)

Answer #14

Personally, I’m not for energy drinks, so I’ll make something up: Drinking to much will suck the real energy out of you and replace it with bad enzymes that the drink gives to the body. All in all, your drinking Fake energy

Answer #15

You can have a heart attack :L x

Answer #16

You can have a heart attack :L x

Answer #17

I’ve never seen aan answer with so many likes lmfao

Answer #18

you can develope heart problems, like heart attacks and even diabetes

Answer #19

ive seen more haha

Answer #20

You will grow wings. :)

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