These are some reasons I think you shouldnt have an abortion

K I know that sum people think abortions are ok. They think there’s nuthin wrong with them. Well there is! Here are sum reason why you shouldnt get abortion. 1.your killing a living breathing baby! 2.if you dont want a baby but you got pregnet, have the baby and give it to a nice family who will take care of it! 3.they could become famouse! 4.they mite be the next president 5.your baby could be the one who finds a cure for cancer! 6.your a murderer if you do get one!! 7.they could become a hero! 8.u got yourself pregnet! You should have used a condom! So you should let that baby live!!

K do you think those are good reasons? If you still think there’s nuthin wrong with abortions, tell me y! Because I can’t see one reason why you should. Tell me what you thought about this.

Answer #1


Answer #2

I have only one question for you… What if Hitler’s mother had had an abortion?

Answer #3

Your killing some one that can change this cold harsh world!!!

Answer #4

it’s a choice. im getting one

Answer #5

I’m with you. If I somehow got pregnant and couldn’t care for a child, I would just put it up for adoption. Yeah it would be emotionally painful, but I’d never be able to live with having an abortion.

Answer #6

That’s just your opinion, you can’t tell people not to do something just because you don’t believe in it!!!

Stop trying to force your opinions on people…it’s legal so some people think that it’s not such a bad thing!!!

Answer #7

ok you r rite, if I was raped I would get and abortion… So I gess a few people should get abortions for some reasons. But I still don’t like them… But I guess if I had to get one I would… So I never really thought about getting raped and pregnet. So I guess there are a few reasons.

Answer #8

First of all…

“1.your killing a living breathing baby!”

Technically, they don’t really breathe oxygen until they’re born, do they? And I firmly believe that if something cannot live without being inside a woman for nourishment, then it is not alive, it is a POTENTIAL life. The US Census doesn’t count FUTURE babies as actual living, existing people, so I don’t see why we should make an exception.

Second of all

“3.they could become famouse! 4.they mite be the next president 5.your baby could be the one who finds a cure for cancer! 7.they could become a hero! “

No, they won’t, at least in my opinion. If something happens, it was meant to happen, and if someone has an abortion, then obviously that fetus wasn’t meant to be future president. If they were, the abortion wouldn’t have happened.

And actually, ever since abortions have become more popular, as a reaction there have been declining number of criminals– meaning babies that statistically WOULD have become thiefs, rapists, and murderers were aborted years ago and thus do not exist today. I’m not saying that I believe in this theory, but it is out there, and the numbers do correlate.

And thirdly, I want to make it clear that I would personally only get an abortion if it was the product of a rape. And I sincerely believe I would never EVER be stupid enough to get myself pregnant if I didn’t have the means to take care of it. I have taken a vow of celibacy until marriage, so I really have no issue. Besides, I plan on adopting anyway.

However, I can see how someone can have differing morals from myself, but how am I supposed to know? This is the reason I think abortions should be allowed: You don’t know anyone’s situation but your own. Even if legalization means that people will take advantage of that freedom, it should exist regardless for those who actually need abortions.

And lastly, what makes you think illegalizing something will stop it? People still smoke marijuana, don’t they? Making abortions illegal just means there will be an increase in the amount of people getting botched abortions from people who don’t know what they’re doing.

I agree with you. Abortions are wrong. But people should still have the option in case the situation calls for one.

Answer #9

bailey 123654 - what do I think about this?

I think that you are an misguided, ignorant young woman. Abortions aren’t a walk in the park but they are currently a legal option. You are not killing a living, breathing baby…pay attention in science class! Instead of being SO against abortion, why not put your efforts and time into helping to change the harsh adoption laws… working for better affordable child-care, early education, healthcare… All of these will be fundamental in raising this baby… It is easy to say, “I think abortion is wrong”… it is harder to say, “I think abortion is wrong and this is what I am doing to improve the life of the child that I INSIST MUST BE BORN”

These unwanted babies, they need education, healthcare, adopting, childcare… It is NOT just about popping a baby from your womb… or at least it SHOULDN’T be…

Get your head out of the sand and realize that president bush is trying to LIMIT access to birth control, that will increase unwanted pregnancy and also abortions…write to him. Do some research and realize that mandatory sex education in schools DOES help to lower the teen pregnancy rate…write to your congress and let them know how you feel…

In other words, quit parroting what your parents, youth group leader, pastor, and the FOX channel say and do your research. At that point hopefully you will realize that there is more to this complex issue than just, “abortion is wrong”.

This is an issue for maturity and the wording of your question…

“.they could become famouse! 4.they mite be the next president 5.your baby could be the one who finds a cure for cancer! 6.your a murderer if you do get one!! 7.they could become a hero! “

proves that you have not reached the level of maturity needed…

Perhaps you should go back to discussing “what do you think about Max Green?” that might be more in step with your thought process…

Answer #10

1.your killing a living breathing baby! Not if you do it before it has grown lungs :D

2.if you dont want a baby but you got pregnet, have the baby and give it to a nice family who will take care of it! Some people can’t carry a baby; they could get sick and die themselves.. You wouldn’t want that would you? Or is that still not a good enough reason?

3.they could become famouse! Famous* If it never walks the earth there are no chances. Anybody could be famous.. Who cares about fame anyway?

4.they mite be the next president Might* As told in number 3.

5.your baby could be the one who finds a cure for cancer! As told in number 3.

6.your a murderer if you do get one!! You can only murder the living. People have to be born to live. When you actually have a family member who was murdered this becomes so much less of a big deal. So when you experience murder come back to me and talk to me about murder, k?

7.they could become a hero! Could key word but since they aren’t going to exist past being a fetus I don’t think they are flying anywhere anytime soon.

8.u got yourself pregnet! You should have used a condom! So you should let that baby live!! Some people unwillingly have sex. This my friend is called rape. You can’t help the fact that you got raped can you? Now tell me, why would you want to live with the memorabilia of a rape experience?

Is abortion a good thing in most cases. Now if you go out and get pregnant all the time and have abortions every time that is a different story. So in other words I am PRO ABORTION. I rest my case.

Answer #11

Me personally, I don’t like the concept of abortion, but seriously, your reasons for not getting an abortion is really quite ridiculous. Its not murder unless the fetus is out of the body (as the US law states), and that is when the fetus is considered as a live human being. To me, you are ignoring many issues that can come with pregnancy. Some women are not lucky to have complete heatlh and may not be able to carry the child full term. They may even die from it. So is the mother only considered as a vessel carrying a baby? Is the mother’s life less valuable then the fetus that is living off of her? Some women suffer from genetic diseases, financial problems, physical disabilities, emotional problems or just may be too young to have that child. Some women are even raped, should other be able to deny them the right to abort the child that they may never be able to love? You have to do more research. Yes, you must take responsibility for your own actions, but as a 16 year old, I don’t feel confident enough to have or raise a child and I’ve practically raised all 9 of my younger cousins. If I don’t feel confident at 16, then girls younger then me probably don’t either. Raising a child is a full time responsibility that many cannot live up to physically, mentally or both and other people cannot dictate what they do to their own body. It is that person’s body, no one else’s. And its not as if the child will be adopted and live happily ever after. There are many problems with the adoption system and the foster system and many children end up very emotionally disturbed. Not everything is happy-go-lucky in life. Bad stuff happens and sometimes you can’t prevent it. So do more research and come up with a better argument.

Answer #12

sometimes an abortion is the only option for example…girls who have been raped, the condom broke, had holes in it, wasnt used properly ect or they arnt emotionally and physically ready to have a baby abortion isnt a good thing for teenage skanks who cant keep there legs closed and use protection though… but, for some girls ad women, its the only option on the other side abortions are done when the baby isnt aware that it exists, when its just cells formng and it could turn out to be a murderer, or the carrier ifof a rare disease that everyone gets, ect you never know who is going to change the world and who isnt so having an abortion doesnt really affect those decisions on the other hand… sadam husseins mother was advised to get an abortion by her doctor… once again though, its the only option for some girls

Answer #13

Did you know that if you are murdered while being pregnant that the person murdering you would only be charged with 1 count of murder. Unless the baby took a breath before being killed. Therefore you can NOT be a murderer by aborting a baby that does not breathe.

A friend of mine had an abortion. She was in a relationship with a “psycho” who actually thought that she would have his baby after he told her that he would never let her see it. (he was planning on kidnapping the baby). He also forced himself on her (yes they were dating and he physically abused her and raped her). Should she of brought another “psycho” into the world?

I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with abortion. It’s not something I would do but how can any of us criticize someone else when we don’t know their whole situation?

Answer #14

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!       Welcome to Fun Advice!

  “Is abortion murder?”

  a·bor·tion (?-bôr’sh?n) n.

  1. a. Termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival. b. Any of various procedures that result in such termination and expulsion. Also called induced abortion.

  2. The premature expulsion of a nonviable fetus from the uterus; a miscarriage.

  mur·der (mûr’d?r) n.

  1. The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice.

  No, abortion, in general, is not considered murder. An exception might be for “partial-birth abortion” where a viable fetus is partially delivered then killed before complete delivery.

  My opinion is from:

  I’ve No surprises

  1.        Though sex is the method normally utilized to bring progeny into being, such result may not be desired by the entities. 
  2.        The entities may use various methods of birth control to prevent progeny. 
  3.        Methods that prevent conception or that prevent development within the early days after conception are necessary for the well-being of the entities. 
  4.        A decision for abortion at any later stage, for whatever reason, must rest singularly with the pregnant entity. 
  5.        Prior to the time of normal delivery the entity should not be held accountable to others for her actions in relation to her own body or its contents. 
  6.        If the entity's decision is not justifiable, it is still her decision and only she will be held responsible for it in the subsequent analyzation period of her being.
Answer #15

for some people going through with having a baby and then the adoption process is to hard and the baby ends up in the garbage or maybe abusive drunk parents keep the baby and it grows up getting beaten and neglected
this could all happen when its self-aware with thoughts and memories and feeling not when its eyes arent even open in a uterous or whatever!

Answer #16

abortions save children from becoming failures because they didnt learn what they needed to learn by being raised by a child. btw it is not murder because the ‘baby’ is still in early much so that there is no feeling whatsoever

and I highly doubt that if you were raped by some creep you would want to have that child…

Answer #17

I agree with you that abortions are wrong.

I do think there should be one way they would be legal. If you get raped by someone with diseases, and you know FOR SURE that your baby is going to be born with those diseases, and wont live over the age of like 4.. I think then, it should be an option.. but thats the only way.

Answer #18

If you think that is good reasoning, or good reasons for someone not to have a baby, you may want to pick up a book and educate yourself. Or go to college. I do not know how old you are but I know three year olds who have better reasoning that you do.

Answer #19

How immature and close minded can one person be? Prime example of idiocracy in today’s youth. You’re 13 right? How can a 13 year old possibly understand the pros and cons of abortion? Have you ever been raped? Or raped by a family member? Or know that if you carry full term that you or the baby or both could die? So, at 13 if you were to get pregnant and carry full term would you be ready to go through the agony of childbirth and then to raise a child for the next 18 years? Please, I don’t think so. Let’s just leave it as opinions are like a$$ holes…everyone’s got one

Answer #20

Abortion is murder.

You should research that word…

And people need to understand that there is NO SUCH THING AS SAFE SEX so anytime you have sex, condom or not…there’s still that chance at getting pregnant.

Uhhh, no… actually there are TWO scenarios I can think of.

ONE: If either individual is genetically sterile… TWO: If the female had a hysterectomy…

I know if I had sex and got pregnant, no matter how old I was, I’d have the baby and take care of it. Even if I were raped I’d have the baby and take care of it. It would be MY baby.

Yeah, sure… its easy to say that NOW. Let’s see how you feel if it actually HAPPENS.

Answer #21

Abortion is murder. And people need to understand that there is NO SUCH THING AS SAFE SEX so anytime you have sex, condom or not…there’s still that chance at getting pregnant. That means a baby. It wasn’t the baby’s choice. It was the partners. The only life that baby will ever have.

I know if I had sex and got pregnant, no matter how old I was, I’d have the baby and take care of it. Even if I were raped I’d have the baby and take care of it. It would be MY baby.

Answer #22

these are not valid reasons on why not 2 get an abortion,

3.they could become famouse! 4.they mite be the next president 5.your baby could be the one who finds a cure for cancer! 6.your a murderer if you do get one!! 7.they could become a hero!

no I dont agree with abortions what so ever but if the woman has been raped then yer I can understand why they wud want to get an abortion! an there are many other reasons why women get abortions but them 5 so called reasons are just ridiculous! (typo?)

Answer #23

Good one ty! ^^

I agree with sooitca … well put.

We cant assume the situation of others …

Answer #24

If I was raped, I would have the baby. I wouldn’t care how young I was. It’s not the baby’s fault.

Answer #25

and emmaliearcade;

‘baby is going to be born with those diseases, and wont live over the age of like 4.. I think then, it should be an option’

do you have children??? so it would be kinder to let a child live 4 years of pain…then die…oooh I see the humanity in that! not!

Answer #26

are you kidding me??? god damn!

1.your killing a living breathing baby!

*technically and in the eyes of the law, the baby is NOT breathing and in the eyes of the law, a baby isn’t alive until it’s born.

2.if you dont want a baby but you got pregnet, have the baby and give it to a nice family who will take care of it!

*how do you know that family won’t abuse it? and parting with a baby isn’t as easy as it may seem… 3.they could become famouse!

grow the hell up! they could be - for mass murdering - not so glamorus!

4.they mite be the next president

assuming you can support the child to give it a good enough education!

5.your baby could be the one who finds a cure for cancer!

the baby could be the one who develpoped a deadly virus

6.your a murderer if you do get one!!

technically, you’re not, otherwise there would be a lot of women in prison!*

7.they could become a hero!

thats up there, with they might be superman (really) or spiderman, or maybe hagrid from harry potter!

8.u got yourself pregnet! you should have used a condom! So you should let that baby live!!

*maybe there was a condom used / maybe the pill didn’t work / maybe they were raped - you can’t assume someones position!

this is quite possibly, the worst argument against abortion I have EVER heard! and I must check the age, actually regardless of your age, you need to get more life experiance, grow up and stop being so judgemental until you have been in positions where you have to make real decisions…

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