Does anyone repent for their sins?

Does anyone repent for there sins? If so, do you all turn to the bible? Or Pastors?

Answer #1

if you want to “repent” for a mistake you’ve made, go out and fix the problem that you’ve created. If God won’t stop wars or natural disasters then he doesn’t care if you’re stealing from the shop down the street.

Just fix the problem, apologise, make it all right again, and there you go… you’ve been repented

Answer #2

A sinner asks God for His forgivness. Only God can forgive sins.

Answer #3

Yes, I lost my temper the other day, and said some things that I ought not to have said… it grieved me that I did this. I asked God to forgive me, and I know that according to his word, he did, however, he cannot nor willnot take away the consequences of our sin.

And in my case, I made a fool of myself, in front of two people…

Those two people… will have a very hard time, believing that I truly am a Christian.

That is why God tells us to not judge.

As we do not have the whole story…

If they judge me, by that one act… they miss out on 23 years of faithful service.

My actions hurt my witness, and for that, I truly am sorry.

I regret that I did this, but, I cannot take it back.

It will forever stand in the memory of those two people… unless they are true Christians… that do not judge… and choose to forgive instead. If they are true to Christ, then, they will pray for me, to have more self control, and ask God to forgive me, rather than to condemn me, and talk about me, which is actually worse.

What I did was in the heat of the moment… and gossip would be premeditated.

Both are wrong, but, one is worse than the other.

And, I am not trying to justify my sin.

I confess it openly.

Do you see how the way of Christ, is a beautiful way to live?

If not, then, I pray that your eyes will be opened to the truth.

Answer #4

Spiritual- repent, ask God for forgiveness, directly, no middle man/person. The Bible- is filled with guidance info. and of course does help you. A pastor- is the leader of the church sinner like us, but has knowledge that helps us if necessary with our problems, but we don’t have to confess our sins to him. This is between us and God, as far as forgiveness goes. On Earth-for your own spiritual well-being and the ones you offend, of course you go to them and take it like a man/woman. If your wrong then there is nothing wrong with being humble and admitting it to them and do the patching up necessary and move on. I know you probably know the meanings to these, I just like to break things down and my answers always turn out a bit too long, sorry.

Answer #5

Yes, turn to God. The faster the better! God’s just waiting for us to repent and then move on (for example by fixing the problem, apologising etc as mallic says). We’re not intended to go around feeling bad about ourselves and permanently guilty - the real way to repent is to apologise to God and then forget about the guilt.

Answer #6

Sin is a man mad concept. Repentance is knowing you did wrong and regretting it.

Answer #7

im with mallic, I right any wrong I’ve made with the people themselves

Answer #8

I repent and praise directly in prayer to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Answer #9

yea and I don’t repent to my pastor I repent to an alter

Answer #10

Well I go to both but some things are hard to even admit to myself so mostly the bible

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