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Considering we are not in an official “depression”, seems like he’s doing his job.
nope I don’t think so.
I think is a good one,am black
I think he is a good one,am black
hell no
Well no I dont think so as much as I dislike the man I try to give him the respect a president should have so I’ll just give you some info on why he IS not and will not be a good president. First and foremost he does not have enough experience, He is not firmilurized with the way the government actually works enough, Its been said we are about 11 trillion dollars in debt(with out the stimulus included) So what does mister brainiac do He decides to make a “economic” stimulus using trillions of dollars we dont have causing deficet spending, The stimulus would not be horrible if it actually was meant to help the economy However all of the money he is giving to states does not have limitations so vegas for example is asking for 2 million of it for one sign (because there are not”rules” against it they cant really turn it down) and it had about 250,000 dollars toward std research and millions of dollars goinh to A different COUNTRIES veterans! Those are just some examples I hope I helped.
Taxxing the poor to bail out the rich (hahah he had you fooled there didnt he!!!) Funding abortions for other nations. Skyrocketing Energy costs, fuel costs and food costs (hasnt happened yet but he addmitingly said it will happen very soon) He isnt getting out of the war as he promised. He isnt helping the average citizen as he promised (in fact he is doing the opposite) He has however expressed an interest in allowing terrorist to be “re-educated” and released into American society.
Anyone who claims that he is doing a good job really needs to watch the news from time to time.
So far I’m not impressed, but time will tell.
He’s not black? Lol. Last time I checked he was. Haha you people get funnier and funnier! I’ve been gone too long from this site. It’s so dang funny!
Yes he’s great. Way better than Bush. He doesn’t have to kiss as$ for people to like him.
people only like him because he is black. hes not even fully american screw him, hes ruining america either way he is a horrible president and shouldnt be in office.
well im irish but ye I think he is great well much better then george bush thats for sure!
NOPE don’t like him at all snd hes NOT black I’m more black than he is and I’m white as can be!! hes only 6% black and he is gonna screw us over!!
Good question. I kind of liked the Superpower attitude America used to have. Now it seems like we are bowing to other countries and trying to make friends to the ones that hate us. In social arenas, making nice is fine, but in political issues, I think we need to show a little muscle.
Yes, I like Obama. He has been in office for a very short time and given the mess the previous administrations left, I think he doing the best he can.
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