Do you choose magic or does magic choose you?

Do you choose magic or does magic choose you?

Answer #1

Sure there is. You could start with a video. It wouldn’t be conclusive, but it might help. Better, go to James Randi, demonstrate your paranormal powers, and claim your million dollar prize.

The only reason I can think of that you’d consistently refuse to do any of this is because it’s ALL MADE UP.

Answer #2

There’s no burden to ‘prove’ an anecdote. If I tell you I can fly, with no evidence to back it up, there’s no expectation that you have to prove me wrong somehow.

Seriously, if he really does the things you claim, that million dollars is his.

Answer #3

darkrider1970 im afraid your mistaken therre is no such thing as a natural witch. Everone has the same potintal for magick. there are some that are more experiance but just because your family are witches dosnt make you one. all wiches learn through reading and mentoring.

Answer #4

Really? James Randi has a million dollars with your name on it if you can prove you have paranormal powers in an independent test. You’d think all those people who can do ‘magik’ would be leaping at the opportunity…

Answer #5

When I was team captain, I chose Magic and we did win the game. But when Magic was captain, he never chose me, and I don’t blame him. I can dribble, but I’m a terrible lay-up shot.

We’re talking about street basketball with Magic Johnson, right?

Answer #6

magic chooses u

Answer #7

“A friend of mine knows someone so powerful he cannot use electricity…”

Most of these cases are hoaxes. People claim to burn out light bulbs, disrupt TV signals, distract compasses etc., when in reality such interference has another, nearby source or another cause. However, there have been some documented cases where people did seem to influence nearby objects using magnets and electricity. While it hasn’t been thoroughly studied, this had more to do with higher amounts of metal in the body or a stronger than normal electromagnetic field around the body.

Sorry, it isn’t magic. Magic is illusion and sleight of hand, nothing more.

Answer #8

From what I’ve gathered talking to practitioners of magick over the years, it seems to be nothing more than a form of positive thinking/suggestion, much like prayer. The effect is entirely within the minds of those who believe in it. Is that basically correct? If so, I agree it can be useful.

If it’s supposedly more than that, then I’d be interested in a proposed test of it.

Answer #9

Neither. Magic doesn’t exist, so the best you can do is pretend.

Answer #10

magik exists

Answer #11

Both magick is not an illusory feat

Answer #12

magic is diffrernt to suppernatural abilities, when I say magik im not talking about telekaniesis or telepathic things wih you can test, anyway how the hell can you test someone for power? you jsut cant and anyway why wud I want a million dollars thats a s@*t amount of money

Answer #13

I agree, videos can be easily faked but how the hell are you ment to proove power over the internet, anyway I read about how magic can make electricity go bust, and its true if james randi wants to proove sumthing he shoud go out and him them himself

and no arachnic, I know someone who used t be able do to telekanisis in my family they stopped after they were scared out of it but I’ve seen that so its not made up trying to appear to be ‘rational’ will only but you in an arrogant place of disbelif

so if your mother witnessed a miricle or was part of one you wud tell her she was lying? miricles, magik, supernatural its all about the laws agaisnt sceince and it does happen

Answer #14

You choose magic, aka an illusory feat.

Answer #15

there are eveadence, complete nonbelievers have become believers, believe it or not science & magick can & at times do go hand & hand. but still other people dismiss it as complete fantasy & demand more proof that has already been provided by complete nonbelievers(some of which became of an occult religion theirself) so what is to make this 1 any different 1, 2, the once that are powerful enough to prove to them with out a doubt cannot contact them because they cannot use electricity. But I’ll see what I can do to contact a friend of mine.

Answer #16

You don’t have to go visit him. Contact them and they’ll arrange a demonstration under controlled conditions at a time and place convenient to you. Any other excuses?

“and magic does affect elecrritcy I read about it and there was scienfific explanation about the magnetic feilds around the body increasing “

A ‘scientific explanation’ would require a scientific theory explaining magic, which would require evidence of it - of which there is none.

Answer #17

there is, there always is, im not american I cant go visit this man

what do you call a supernatural gift? no I cannot physiclay morph into a fruit fly what is counted as a supernatural gift and magic does affect elecrritcy I read about it and there was scienfific explanation about the magnetic feilds around the body increasing thing agaisnt the laws of sceince happen all the time I’ve witnessed sum of that, and I prooved to myself I wasnt hullusonating when I saw it… to you what is a supernatural gift?

Answer #18

First: “At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.”

So if you or your friend really have supernatural powers, the JREF are not only happy to help you prove their existence, but they’ll give you a million dollars if you do.

If you’re not interested, however, the most logical conclusion is that you’re actually making it all up. But I’m sure you’ll come up with an excuse.

“you know how many fake on vidoes? So what would that prove?”

Of course, but a potentially fake video is still a lot more meaningful than abstract claims with no proof at all. It’d be a good start.

“so if your mother witnessed a miricle or was part of one you wud tell her she was lying? “

No, I would tell her there’s a better explanation than ‘miracle’, and help suggest some alternatives.

“miricles, magik, supernatural its all about the laws agaisnt sceince and it does happen”

Then why is there not a single speck of proof of a single supernatural event?

Answer #19

I don’t even know who the hell James Randi is 1 2, you know how many fake on vidoes? So what would that prove?& why & if it was fake, why would I tell you to come find us lol maybe you’re just to tunnel vision to see that something more can exiest

Answer #20

Like I said, go to them or come to me, there’s not much verifying I can do over the internet. Come to us in perosn if you dare.

Answer #21

Perhaps I wasn’t clear enough: It’s not our job to verify absurd claims - it’s yours, if you want to be taken seriously. Especially when they’re in the nature of “I/someone can do something never seen before and which should be physically impossible”. In the absense of any proof, we’re all free to believe you’re just making it all up.

And when there are such… lucrative incentives available to simply demonstrate your ‘powers’, it’s hard to see why you wouldn’t, unless they are, in fact, make-believe.

Answer #22

Go find him, he lives in il. Actually almost everyone I know that I’ve mentioned lives in il so go find them & pay them.

Like I stated before, I’m a very scientific person. I’ve known how to clone since the 9th grade & a type of fusion since middle school. I wouldn’t be a witch if it’s practices were not true, nor would I be posting if I knew it not to be true. I hate liars & believe all liers deserve their tongues cut out. So rest assure what I relate to is indeed true. I have witnesses on certain feats that I’ve accomplished & turned a nonbeliever into a believer. Pity you don’t live here I could show you like I did him.

Answer #23

religionisgood, not when you cannot use any form of electricity what so ever, no phones, lights, air, none, bulbs blow & camraes go out instantly where ever he is every time if he’s to close, to much so to be coincidence. he practicly lives in a cave! If it were truly the metal in his body he’ld be dead or an andriod

Magick & electricity don’t go well together. Not exactly sure how to explain it, it has something to do with the vibrations 1 gives out & how strong it is. I am a sceptic myself & some what of a scientist, I didn’t believe it either at first, but it’s not like the claims on TV! true practitioners, if they were really that strong to blow out a light they wouldn’t be able to be recorded by camera either for it would go out too, & not opn a temp basis, to would need to be replaced along with the bulb.

How can we prove this over the internet? Those who are powerful enough to prove you with in secounds cannot get on 1, 2 it’s the fricken interent, you could be on the other half of the world from where I am.

A friend of mine cannot use compasses as I just stated, no matter where he is, at all, any time of day, it just spinds.

& again, as I stated before, a women practitioner who can’t wear watches, they blow on her wrists in secounds.

I’ve noticed you caught the first one I recently explaind, but what about those 2 aye? Why not them? Try those.

Hell, I myself can’t use cell phones hardly, they shut theirselves off all the time on me. I’ve been through 3 cell phones so far, all do the same thing to me, but they seem to work forevery 1 else. Only time I can really use it without fuzz, static, hanging up on me, turning off, & it acting up on me in whatever way possable is at night when I’m tired. But again, it’ll work perfectly without problem for every one else for some reason.

Like I said, if you all weren’t so tunel visioned you see. If you want something to bash, bash o nthe new agers. Their claims have been disproven so many times & they connot even explain their theories withth eslightiest bit of logic. It’s all based on chi & such, a metaphorical term.

Answer #24

“magic is diffrernt to suppernatural abilities, when I say magik im not talking about telekaniesis or telepathic things wih you can test, anyway how the hell can you test someone for power?”

So if it’s not anything you can test, in what sense does it actually exist? How do you know it exists if you can’t test for it?

“you jsut cant and anyway why wud I want a million dollars thats a s@*t amount of money”

You don’t want a million dollars? Perhaps you’d do it for the satisfaction of proving us all wrong, then?

“A friend of mine knows someone so powerful he cannot use electricity, Heck, I know some one who can’t use compasses, they just spin round & round with him, & a women who can’t wear watches, she burns them out in secounds. Explain that 1 arachid.”

I don’t have to explain it, unless you can prove it’s happening in the first place. If your friends can do any of these things, they’re quite welcome to step up for that million dollar prize…

Answer #25

Some say magic chooses you or you choose magic I beleive some are naturally born with the gift which some would called a natural witch there are beleifs that mostly in females if a mother is a witch her daughter(s) may also be born with the gift same as their mother and I myself say either you are born with it or without there is a difference between a natural born and one who learns from books me and my sister are considered natural cause there are a few in the family that are wiccan

Answer #26

Give it a rest arachid & ambless maybe if you weren’t so tunnelvisioned you’ld see

& you can, electricity, depending how strong they are. A friend of mine knows someone so powerful he cannot use electricity, Heck, I know some one who can’t use compasses, they just spin round & round with him, & a women who can’t wear watches, she burns them out in secounds. Explain that 1 arachid.

I believe it could go either ways. Some people choose it for rebellion purposes, but to me it seems that the truest of practitioners were chose by magick. The again when you think of it those who go into it to rebeil or because they thought it was “kool” are usually the dabblers, not true practitioners at all, & wind up converting & preaching of how evil it was & that they speak from “personal experience”. So I guess magick chooses you 1_~

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