Confused.. && upest :'(

My gran died about 10 years ago.. I know a long time right but everytime I think of her I bring myself to tears. My little sister always says atleast I knew her and I was lucky but tbh I wish I didn’t have the memories they just make me sadder. I also hve lost someone close to me recently but I dont think thtats why the emotion has came. My dad cant even talk about her because hes so sad and my mum really doesn’t know much about her. I wish that I could meet her even if that means taking my life… All my friends including my boyfriend think im just missing her and that taking my life would be selfish and silly, I just want my gran… :’(

Answer #1

I lost my aunt and I was really close to her. I was sad for years and cried. I wanted to talk to her so bad and just look at her. I thought about her a lot and everytime I went to her house (because my daddy live there now) I cried every night. When she pass away a part of me went too. I didn’t want to be here no more and I didn’t have anybody to run to. I was so close to her, she made my day be beautiful. We made each other smile. I got over it last year and I accept that she will never come back. She will always be in my heart. Don’t forget your gran is looking down on you and she don’t want you to be sad. Remember the good days.

Answer #2

It sounds like yu really love your gran well maybe because you have lost someone recently yu feal lifes being so unfair because they took your gran and now someone else you loved and because the 2 people you loved so much got taken away..your not able to let go because your angry and depressed…my advice would be to think of all the good tyms yu had and keep them as memories And Just be thankfull you got to know her and you got to have them precious memories you’ll soon get thr it and when yur sad think of all the good times you’ve shared in life..x

Answer #3

if you love something let it go

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